How Do They Get Away With It?

June 12, 2013      Roger Craver

#1 on the list of America’s “50 Worst Charities” according to a collaborative report from The Center for Investigative Reporting and The Tampa Bay Times is the Kids Wish Network.

The Times/CIR investigation reveals that over the past 10 years this knock-off of the highly respected Make-A-Wish-Foundation, has “channeled nearly $110 million donated for sick children to its corporate fundraisers”.

By way of comparison, the Times/CIR review reports that “The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central and North Florida is one of dozens of Make-A-Wish chapters across the country. Last year, it reported raising $3.1 million cash and spent about 60 percent of that, $1.8 million, granting wishes. The same year, Kids Wish raised $18.6 million, its tax filing shows. It spent $240,000 granting wishes – 1 percent of the cash raised.”

In addition, the investigators report that the Kids Wish Network paid its founder and the companies he owns at least $4.8 million in salary and fees and violated IRS rules by waiting four years to disclose the payment of those funds. (Mark Breiner, the founder, claims Kids Wish Network has recently completed an IRS audit and “they found no indication of private inurement or conflict of interest with the founders or the board”.  The IRS does not comment on specific cases.)

You can read the sordid details here and here.

Deja Vue All Over Again?

In reviewing the Times/CIR report’s data, publicly available online, I noted that one of the major fundraising contractors for Kids Wish Network was Brickmill Marketing Services, an affiliate of Quadriga Arts.

You may recall that in May, a year ago, CNN aired the first of what would be a series of investigative reports into the fundraising practices of the Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF), reporting that although nearly $56 million had been raised for the charity, little or none of the money was ever used to help disabled vets, and that Quadriga Art was paid nearly $60 million. That report triggered an investigation by the U.S. Senate Finance Committee. After a year and a month the Committee has yet to issue a report.

So, here we are a year later. Another apparent scandal. Another Quadriga company. What gives?

I called Mark Schulhof, CEO of Quadriga, to get his take on the Times/CIR report that over the past four years Brickmill raised $19.6 million for the Kids Network and was paid $16.5 million, leaving $3.1 million for the charity.

Mark said he didn’t have much information on the inside workings of the charity, the issues around the founder’s behavior and other questions raised in the Times/CIR report, but as far as the direct mail program was concerned, he expressed confidence that the process of growing the donor base while generating net income was “working well”.

[As an aside, Mark also relayed that Quadriga has made changes in its  practices over the last year since the CNN reports on Disabled Veterans National Foundation. We agreed on a separate interview and I’ll cover that in a future post.]

I also wanted to know if it was simply a coincidence that the same spokesperson used by Quadriga in the Veterans story is now employed by the Kids Wish Network.

Melissa Schwartz, a crisis management specialist, wrote The Agitator last year in response to our piece on the Veterans National Foundation and on behalf of Quadriga, saying in part, “To be a successful direct mail program, charities need to build a donor base and continue to add names as some drop off the file each year, which in most cases costs more than $1 to raise $1. While this strategy has been debated for years – within the nonprofit and association communities, in Congress, and even before the Supreme Court, it has been a proven model for more than 50 years.”

Now, a year later, Ms. Schwartz is back, explaining the practices of the Kids Wish Network as follows, according to the Times/CIR report: “Schwartz said the charity has hired outside companies to do fundraising so that its staff can focus on wish-granting….She declined to answer detailed questions about Kids Wish’s fundraising operations or its payments to its founder, saying the charity is ‘is focused on the future’.”

Mark told me she wasn’t employed by or speaking for Brickmill.

Why Does This Happen Again and Again?

It would be a mistake to focus solely on the Kids Wish Network and its solicitors and vendors.  Clearly, according to the Times/CIR report there are at least 49 more!

In order to determine why this keeps happening, the investigative team interviewed regulators in more than 20 states and made the first national accounting of actions against charities and solicitors by piecing together regulators’ documents from across the country.

Of more than 8,000 violations, the Times/CIR team identified about 1,000 serious cases, and tracked what happened to the offenders in many of them.

Among the findings:

  • “More than 35 charities and their hired solicitors have been caught breaking the rules multiple times but continue to take money from donors. The most frequent violators have been cited five times or more. One solicitor has been cited 31 times and is still in business.
  • “Bans issued by state regulators are meaningless. Over the past decade, at least a dozen solicitation companies and charities have been forced out of one state only to continue raising donations elsewhere.
  • “State regulators make it easy for operators to start over. Instead of targeting individuals, they often ban only the charity or the fundraising company, leaving executives free to move to a new organization. Regulators have not created a national list to track charity violators or a formal system to share information.
  • “Charity regulation offices nationwide are consumed with paperwork. They collect reams of information on charities but don’t analyze it for signs of fraud. Florida has issued hundreds of fines for late paperwork but has blocked only a handful of charities from soliciting in the state over the past decade.
  • “When states do take action, they typically issue a small fine and require no admission of guilt, even for the worst offenders. The most common penalty is $500, a small price for organizations that collect millions.”

And what happened to the Kids Wish Network in return for the 1% of the $110 million that actually went to grant wishes to kids? Two states, Utah and Mississippi, took disciplinary action – two fines and one consent agreement totaling $6,250!

For a view of some concerted/coordinated steps state regulators are now pursuing, check out this story and video from the Times/CIR report.

Who’s to Blame?

It’s easy to stand by and shake our heads at all this shocking data and commentary and note that a few bad apples ruin the barrel of good fundraisers. These ‘that’s-a-shame-but-what-can-I-do-about-it’ rationalizations amount to nothing more — or less — than the collective turning of our backs on the donor.

We must demand more accountability when sloppy, unethical, and perhaps even illegal activity is involved.

Equally, we must acknowledge and defend the importance, value and absolute necessity of skilled third party contractors and practitioners to the success of most nonprofits. No throwing the clean baby out with the dirty bath water.

We must ask questions and offer advice.

  • What additional roles should and can professional organizations like the DMA and AFP play?
  • Should we mount a campaign to arm the regulators with more teeth? To demand swifter, more meaningful enforcement?
  • Why do the truly clean and transparent charities, agencies and consultants stand by in silence as others steal their names and reputations?

Why? Why? Why?

So many complex questions. So few easy answers.


P.S. An extra special Agitator raise goes to  the Times/CIR team and reporters Kendall Taggart and Kris Hundley for their monumental work.

P.P.S. If you’re suspicious of some charity, the Times/CIR team has set up a way to let ‘em know and they may be able to launch an investigation. Go here.

2 responses to “How Do They Get Away With It?”

  1. Roger Craver says:

    After we went to ‘press’ I received this communication that Kids Wish Network is sending to their supporters regarding the press attention the organization has recently received. I’ve reprinted it verbatim. Roger

    To Kids Wish Network Partners,

    For decades, the high cost of fundraising has been a lightning rod for criticism. Every few years, a few reporters choose a select amount of charities – who they ultimately acknowledge have done nothing improper – and pick apart their fundraising methods to cast their operations in a negative light, call into question the integrity of personnel, and call for a level of reform that is ill-conceived.

    Kids Wish Network has recently become the target in one of these projects. A Tampa Bay Times/Center for Investigative Reporting series has in fact questioned, based on their own subjectively-developed criteria, our value to society.

    But we know our value to society. We know it in the faces of the more than 100,000 children and their families that we directly serve each year. As our trucks brimming with toys and supplies drive into school parking lots, as we sit backstage with an ill child who is waiting with breathless anticipation to meet her favorite music star, or as we assist families in providing a proper end-of life ceremony for their dying child, we see our value.

    Kids Wish Network has been making dreams come true for children throughout the country for more than 15 years. We are dedicated to infusing hope, creating happy memories, and improving the quality of life for children who are experiencing life-altering situations. Each and every day we are moved by the incredible stories of children nationwide who are dealing with life-threatening illnesses, the effects of poverty, abuse or homelessness. Although they come from diverse backgrounds and circumstances, all of these children share one thing: they have faced remarkable challenges in their young lives and are in desperate need of hope.

    We are very aware of the high costs involved with fundraising, and are doing everything we can to allocate more and more dollars to program services every year, while exploring the lowest cost fundraising opportunities. We share the desire to maximize program dollars, but the fact remains that the majority of charities across the country rely on third-party fundraisers to reach the donors they rely on to support their programs and services.

    As a small charity, we have the choice: to employ fundraising staff in-house or to contract out for fundraising services. It became clear to us several years ago that the strength of our employees was in direct relationships with the children and families we serve, and we opted to engage third parties to assist with our fundraising work. This meant that we could focus our efforts on wish granting, while our contractors managed the call centers and production facilities required to embark on an aggressive fundraising program.

    However, this is only one of the ways in which we raise necessary funds to help children all over the world. We created the Guardian Angel Fund as a special restricted fund that directly supports program services (100% of a donor’s contribution), in fact no fundraising or administrative costs can ever be taken from this account. To our knowledge, Kids Wish Network is the only wish granting organization that offers donors the ability to direct 100% of their contribution to program services. All contributions received through our website are also directed to the Guardian Angel Fund unless otherwise requested.

    We make every effort to stretch each dollar. In addition to the Guardian Angel Fund, Kids Wish Network was able to contain administrative costs to less than 3% last year.
    But these are not the statistics sprawled across the reports issued this week. Instead, the news accounts claim to know who we are based on a subjective narrative created by a reporter who asked our organization more than 50 questions, only to publish a few fragments of a response. It fails to mention that despite the subjective and random criteria developed by the authors, Kids Wish Network undergoes regular third-party audits to verify information and filings, and has never been the subject of any disciplinary action. It is a compelling story that relies on rhetorical flourish and accusations, rather than facts.

    I want to thank you for your commitment to us and to the children we serve. We live in a world where the media thrive on sensationalizing stories, and we have been caught up in the midst of that over the past week. But no media reports can change our dedication and commitment to our children.

    It is our promise to continue to bring much-needed joy to these brave young hearts through our unique programs and services and bring them the hope and comfort they truly deserve. They will always be our top priority.


    Anna R. Lanzatella
    Executive Director

  2. A very complex topic as Roger points out with lots of whys.

    Being able to separate the legitimate from the illegitimate fundraisers is difficult enough for us in the industry. For regulators, or worse yet, the public, it becomes almost impossible.

    Take the very simple question of cost of fundraising. Anyone with any experience in the industry knows that acquisition, in this day and age, is an investment aimed at acquiring donors. And that the payoff is in renewing your donors, down the road. So high costs of fundraising are explained away as a known cost of doing business.

    But what about the fundraiser who is fronting the money knowing that the non-profit will be in a hole they many never get out of. And keeps mailing under the guise of “building the donor base” all the while pocketing millions with little or none of it getting to the charity. And does it repeatedly with different charities. Technically, they haven’t broken any laws, but is this behavior ethical?

    It is indeed the profession and professional trade associations that need to step forward big time to begin to put a stop to these unethical practices. Do they have the will to do so, is the question. I hold out little hope. And when poorly informed regulators step in, the clean baby almost always get thrown out with the dirty bath water.