Make Me Smile, Not Smirk
Given that I’m hiding out in New Zealand, I probably received far fewer email fundraising appeals than most Agitator readers during the end-of-the-year bombardment.
[In fact, my concealment is working, I can’t recall but one NZ-based charity ‘discovering’ me as an online target (compared to three mail appeals).]
Most of what I did receive turned me off … I’m now a dedicated year-end NON-giver.
When I give, I’m more likely to give from the heart, and not as part of a fire sale.
There’s nothing more heartless than being prodded give in order to help some organization meet its year-end target … what do I care about their ginned-up target? Or to take advantage of their ‘Last day only’ 47 to 1 match. Gimme a break.
So make a note fundraisers … Belford won’t give in December. Don’t bother trying.
I might be interested in February or May or September, but you’ll have to offer me more than a clock ticking against some contrived deadline. That might work if I were a watchmaker.
Instead, tell me about how my contribution will help me (not you) accomplish something important that I might care about.
99% of the appeals I received in the final avalanche did no such thing.
Here’s one that came closer than most. It came with the terrific subject line: ‘A reason to smile’. Don’t you think that’s more enticing than: ’12 hours until our 3:1 match ends’ or ‘Only $42,000 short of our goal’?

Give Happiness … I like that.
It made me smile, not smirk.
I completely agree! I see so many pieces – and the entire ask is about meeting their fundraising goals. One organization regularly uses “Your annual fund enclosed” as a teaser. WHAT? I had no idea I had an annual fund…
This is lazy fundraising and should definitely be punished with failure.