What Fundraising Can Learn From Soccer Fans

September 23, 2022      Kevin Schulman, Founder, DonorVoice and DVCanvass

Soccer (football for our non-US readers) fans are (in) famous for their fandom.

During a 2002 Real Madrid vs. Barcelona match a Barcelona fan threw a pig’s head onto the field because he was so angry seeing a former player from his team wearing the white of Real.

That fandom is an Identity, one causing a lot of human behavior such as allocating discretionary time and money to sport or throwing a pig’s head on the pitch.

Does Identity Influence Decision to Help?

But, what about helping behavior? How might one’s Identity influence a decision to help or not?  One big factor in deciding to help is the degree to which we identify with that person in need.  I’m more likely to help if I think we have a shared Identity or connection.  This is doubly true if you’re high in trait Conscientiousness as these folks ascribe a lot of value to being loyal to their in-group.

And arguably nothing is more “in” than one’s fellow soccer club fans especially if they are Manchester United fans.  For the non-UK soccer fans, Man U is the New York Yankees of English football – widely popular and very successful and widely disliked.  Non Manchester United fans have two favorite teams, their local club and whoever is playing Man U.  And importantly for this post, no fan dislikes Man U more than a Liverpool FC fan.

[To all UK football fans, my apologies.  I’m neither a Brit nor a soccer/football fan but this lead-in matters for the experiment so indulge me and roll with it if off the mark]

The Fan Experiment on Helping

Man U fans were recruited to participate in an experiment whose real aim was not revealed.  Part one of the experiment had Man U fans arrive at a University classroom and answer some survey questions whose real purpose was to prime their Man U identity with agree/disagree items like, “I am a person who identifies with Man U fans” and “I am a person who is glad to be a Man U fan”.

Part Two involved a staged walk from one part of the campus to another with a choreographed accident encountered along the way.  An actor was paid to jog by the experiment participants and stage a fall.  The actor was wearing a Man U t-shirt.  There were independent observers who witnessed participant helping behavior or lack thereof.

This experiment was repeated with new participants and the only thing that changed was the t-shirt club affiliation worn by the actor jogger, Liverpool FC.

When the jogger was wearing a Man U t-shirt, 92% helped the person.  When he was wearing Liverpool FC, only 30% did.

The researchers ran the same experiment over again with one change, the survey done in the classroom as Part One primed their general soccer identity with questions changed to read, “I am a person who identifies with football fans” and “I am a person who is glad to be a football fan.”

Guess what happened?  Go ahead, take a guess, I’ll wait…

Helping behavior was the same regardless of the t-shirt worn.

Identity matters.  Priming it matters.  Not all people have the same Identity and sometimes it requires leveling up or down with more/less specificity to create that shared connection.


4 responses to “What Fundraising Can Learn From Soccer Fans”

  1. Tom Ahern says:

    Another one, Kevin. Please keep scoring goals (or whatever they’re called: the biggie, kickie ball goes into the netty thing and stops; cheers and pigs’ heads follow). Identity is the booster rocket for fundraising.

    • Kevin says:

      Booster rocket indeed. The other being Personality, which is also innate and “nests” itself right under Identity. The only thing better than asking a Man U fan to help another Man U fan in need is asking the Agreeable Man U fan to provide care for a Man U fan down on his luck and the Conscientious Man U fan to help a fellow Man U fan stay strong.

  2. Without the Man U priming, what percentage of helping was there? Was it between 92 and 30, or closer to one end?

    In other words, does the priming work by increasing Man U-helping, by decreasing Liverpool-helping, or a bit of both?

    • Kevin says:

      Hi Leigh,

      There was no pure control with no priming but the helping behavior in the soccer priming condition was around the 30% of the Liverpool priming, suggesting this is mostly about increasing Man-U helping.