10 Fundraising Tips
Abny Santicola of FundRaising Success assembled this nitty gritty list of fundraising tips, covering both direct mail and online fundraising, as she cruised the DMA's recent Washington Nonprofit Conference last week.
I liked #2, “rekindle the first love,” which basically says: when you know why a donor first gave (hopefully you keep a giving history with this info), keep reminding them, whatever else you might want to interest them in.
I'd quarrel with #3, which recommends re-mailing (or re-emailing) appeals in quite rapid succession. I'd need to see some response figures and know some context before I'd adopt this tip as any kind of best practice. There's a cost involved (unrelated simply to cost of delivery) when you saturation bomb your supporters.
So take a look, but of course use your own judgment in picking through these tips.