65+ Finally Over 50+

June 8, 2012      Admin

Finally, according to Pew Internet, more than half of Americans age 65 or older are online … 53% to be exact. Of these online seniors, 70% use the internet on a typical day and 86% use email.

Just watch those online contributions blossom as the most proven segment of the donor population gets comfortable with the medium in large numbers. [Working to online fundraisers’ advantage, the ‘seniors’ I know about are too polite to not open emails!]

Pew Internet also reports that 34% of internet users age 65 and older use social networking sites such as Facebook, and 18% do so on a typical day. I suspect Pew Internet will soon release additional info on how the oldsters are using their internet time.




3 responses to “65+ Finally Over 50+”

  1. Lorri Greif says:

    Tom, It’s the same people that have always been using online communications and tools. We’re just getting older.

  2. Hello Tom – I think that, for a number of reasons, we will want to be qualifying who we are calling “oldsters”. It looks to me as if many “sixty-something” people do not think of themselves that way.Partially due to their growing currency with the internet….

  3. Tom, many “older” folks are email savvy but will still not buy online due to worries about credit card hacking… So, the fact that more “oldsters” are going online may not necessarily translate into online fundraising growth…