7 Words To Remember

February 14, 2007      Admin

According to direct marketer Denny Hatch, these are the seven emotional hot buttons that cause people to act:

    • Fear – the most powerful of all
    • Greed
    • Guilt
    • Anger
    • Exclusivity
    • Salvation
    • Flattery

In a disturbing article about fear, Denny talks about Merck's use of fear in its marketing of a vaccine for cervical cancer … efforts that include pushing laws to make vaccination of pre-teen girls mandatory.

Gee, isn't marketing cool!?

Denny concludes: “If you can scare the wits out of people and then offer salvation, you are on your way to a successful promotional effort.”

In a post awhile back, What Is the Fear Quotient in Your Message?, The Agitator ruminated on the issue of marketing to fear. We hope you agree with us.

Roger & Tom