A Cause To Die For

February 18, 2007      Admin

The Agitator regularly scans the search engines to bring our readers the absolutely hottest trends and news in fundraising and nonprofit marketing.

So we regularly filter out the important, but regular, stuff (notice we're not giving you links for these) …

    • Family launches fundraising benefit for burgled blind man
    • Cambridge University nears billion pound fundraising goal for 800th anniversary
    • Santa Clarita (CA) pizzeria raises most $$ among Domino's franchisees for St. Jude's Childrens' Research Hospital
    • John McCain stops in Cincinnati to raise campaign funds …

So that we can feature the truly remarkable. Like this fundraising cause that simply knocked our shoes and socks off …

Zimbabwe: Fundraising for President's Birthday Begins

It seems that Z$300,000,000 must be raised from the citizenry — and fast — to pay for the upcoming birthday celebration of Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe's president, potentate, dictator, chief expropriator. Now that's a mere US$1,200,000.

We at The Agitator are certainly giving. We're keen on getting the inside track on a 2.5 million hectare game reserve. We figure a $100 donation should cinch it.

The fundraising campaign is directed by Cde (Commander?) Emmanuel Fundira, who as of February 12 reported raising only Z$87 million. The celebration is scheduled for February 24, and we don't think President Mugabe's the kind of guy to re-schedule or skimp on the birthday cake.

Now you might think your job as a fundraiser is stressful, but we don't think your life is on the line. We suspect that Mr. Fundira has quite few “donor perks” to abet his work. Still, marketing Mugabe must be a challenge … would you want to be in Fundira's shoes if he comes up short?!

On the other hand, if you're looking to re-locate, we'd be happy to pass your name along should Mr. Fundira's fundraising position “become vacant.”

Interestingly, our deeper probing of the situation discloses that Mr. Fundira and the Finance Minister were hauled into court in 2004 (“clad in designer suits”) charged with “externalising large sums of foreign currency” (to Las Vegas in Fundira's case). No kidding. Look, we believe in criminal rehab, but we think we know where the birthday bash money will go!

No wonder fundraising gets a bad name.

Now we ask you, if you're reading The Agitator regularly, what other source do you need?!