A Raise from The Agitator for MSF Netherlands

December 1, 2006      Admin

In light of yesterday's post about what consumers look for in “reliability”…and in light of the fact that a week ago, under the title of “Simple But Ignored” we posted a piece on the importance of placing donor testimonials on organizations' websites. And we promised an “Agitator Raise” to anyone doing so.

Well, no sooner than you can say “www.org “, we heard from Agitator reader Reinier Spruit who works in the fundraising department of Medecins Sans Frontieres [Doctors Without Borders] in Holland.

And right there in the donation section on planned giving is a touching testamonial from 84 year-old Ms. Verkerk, for years a faithful MSF donor who has remembered MSF in her will.

What makes this testamonial even better and more effective is that Ms. Verkerk has a terrific profile as a model legacy donor. For 50 years she worked as a receptionist in a small hospital in the south of Holland. A perfect illustration that it's not only the very rich who leave legacies, it's the rest of us too.

Roger is in Amsterdam this week, so he'll personally deliver the Agitator raise — and bonus. Congratulations MSF Holland.

PS: Have you taken our “Transparency vs. Privacy” survey? Just click on the survey box at the top right column of the blog.