A Special Christmas Song

December 23, 2009      Admin

The Agitator has few traditions at this point. But here is one of them.

For our third Christmas, we urge you to get into a mirthful holiday mood by listening to this unforgettable rendition of O Holy Night.

The Agitator Guarantee: This performance will leave you smiling well into the New Year, or we’ll refund your Agitator subscription fee. But you must listen to the entire performance.

Happy Holidays!

Roger and Tom

P.S. It turns out that many imposters have claimed credit for this stunning performance. Thanks to Agitator reader Barry Fishler, we think we can finally offer the true story.

4 responses to “A Special Christmas Song”

  1. Kat Hurst says:

    All I can say is WOW. And thanks for the smiles this morning!

  2. How did you do it? As soon as I thought the volume was low enough, you got LOUDER, over and over again. Made it impossible to multi-task. Thank you for creating an opportunity to focus on something, as frightening as it was 🙂

  3. Possibly the most painful 3 minutes and 40-something seconds of my entire life — and I’ve both given birth and had root canal done by a dental student. And, fellas, I can only think of — tops — three or four other people in the universe I would have sat through that for. Brightest blessings for a wonderful holiday!

  4. Christiana says:

    This *was* once my favorite Christmas carol of all time. Now I’ve been traumatized. But I’ll recover quickly to send my best wishes, Tom and Roger, and thanks for all your great work in 2009.