After 2000 Years, Your Chance to Make Matching Gift History
Today we’re serving a helping of Roman history paired with the an elixir to lift your pandemic depressed spirits by helping an association of fundraisers in New Zealand that’s in dire straits.
Over the years we’ve offered up dozens of posts on Matching Gifts – the do’s, don’ts and effective alternatives. But, horror of horrors, somehow The Agitator neglected to feature the oldest known matching gift offer – a 1 for 3 matching motivators from the Roman politician and philanthropist Pliny the Younger to the Roman historian Tacitus urging support for the hiring of teachers.
We came across this 1st century gem thanks to Ken Burnett, founder of SOFII, alerting us that the SOFII fundraising treasure trove not only holds this first known matching gift campaign (circa 100 A.D.) in its archive, but is now opening a new entry in the SOFII catalog: Tracking and recording the first known matching gift campaign involving fundraisers helping fundraisers. (August 2020).
So…here’s your opportunity to boost your pandemic spirits with a double dose of pride and happiness by helping fellow fundraisers while making some fundraising history.

Why? How?
The future of the Fundraising Institute of New Zealand is under threat. The pandemic has crippled its ability to generate income –largely from in-person conferences – and left it with a $70,000 shortfall. This financial drought hits at just the time the FINZ is most needed. Online participation by fundraisers is up 350%, but not the income.
Fortunately, a group of fellow fundraisers and suppliers, both in New Zealand and from around the world is stepping up.
AND… just like Pliny the Younger a group of suppliers have already put up $20,000 in a matching gift funds to encourage the rest of us to give the remaining $50,000 needed to assure that FINZ survives.
It would be a damn shame if the rest of us stood by and let this important teaching and learning resource is decimated.
You can remedy that right now by making your donation to the FINZ Emergency Appeal.
The Agitator has made its emergency contribution and was delighted to see when you go on the Donation Page and make your gift there are brief videos from other fundraisers around the world who’ve done the same. (A marvelous addition to a donate page. In fact, you may want to swipe this technique for your own organization, thus making your contribution even more valuable.)
Cory Hall, the CEO of the Australian agency Precision Group who’s leading the outreach campaign among suppliers reports reaching out to “many of whom I do not know. The response has been overwhelmingly positive! I’ve had many really uplifting conversations with likeminded suppliers who believe in the profession of fundraising and the vital role organisations like FINZ play in the profession of fundraising. It fills me with pride to be part of such a great community of people.”
Fundraisers supporting fundraisers – the new F2F – strikes me as something well worth supporting. So, let each of us do our part to advance the 2000-year tradition of the matching gift.
P.S. Thank you for doing your part today.
Brilliant. Thanks Roger. Very pleased to be a part of this campaign, and donating!
PS: I couldn’t see the match in this example!
Thanks Roger. I made my gift. Seems like it might help if they had a rolling scroll of donor names.
Kia ora Roger
We greatly appreciate the wisdom of Pliny the Younger and the support of our generous matching donors and friends such as you who are giving so kindly.
Aroha mai, aroha atu (Love received demands love returned).
John (FINZ Chair)