Agitator’s Most Enduring Tradition

December 24, 2021      Roger and Kevin

Whatever Covid-tested holiday parties you’re attending we hope when they’ve ended you’ll fall on your knees and sing along to The Agitator’s favorite carol.

Once  again, for our 15th  Christmas Eve, and into our 16th year, we invite you to share our most enduring (only? ) Agitator tradition and  enjoy this unforgettable rendition of O Holy Night.

As we’ve noted before, this performance makes Tom Belford, for 11 years our stalwart co-editor weep, as it takes him back to Midnight Mass and his Catholic grammar school choir days. Fortunately , there are not many people still around who have heard Tom’s schoolboy rendition of this, his favorite carol. Even more fortunate, none of those can any longer track him down at The Agitator.

We guarantee this experience will make you fall on your knees too. But you must listen to the entire performance to feel its full power. No irreverence intended.

O Holy Night

Happy Holidays … we hope this magnificent effort inspires you to hit the high notes in 2022.

Roger and Kevin

P.S. We didn’t dare associate our other Agitator and DonorVoice colleagues with this … they still have honorable reputations to protect. But they sure send their season’s regards as well!


7 responses to “Agitator’s Most Enduring Tradition”

  1. Deborah A Dessaso says:

    The singer undoubtedly took Psalms 100:1 seriously and to heart (if not to voice)!

  2. Barry Cox says:

    This is the top choice at my family’s Christmas Karaoke contest. Well, my first choice and then the contest seems to end every year. Odd.

  3. Merry Christmas and to all a good night. Let’s crush this virus in 2022!

  4. Jay Love says:

    A truly special holiday tradition Roger! Thanks for sharing again. One of my granddaughters asked me just what was papa listening to!

  5. Tom Ahern says:

    I can hear it from here, both fingers inserted in ears.

    And now this cheer:

    “2022, that’s our year. If 2022 can’t do it, pass the beer.”

  6. Kathy swayze says:

    Hilarious! Thanks for the laugh.

  7. Bob Hartsook says:

    Thanks for being there for those of us who take at times an opposite view to conventional wisdom. Plus since direct response is not my area, I learn and appreciate the work you do in discussing new issues. Have a good holiday. Getting on my knees is not hard, getting up is.