AI Insta-Videos

August 18, 2023      Kevin Schulman, Founder, DonorVoice and DVCanvass

I find myself wondering whether the AI hype train will hurl itself off the tracks or continue laying track and accelerating to the moon.  It’s probably both.

Put this particular app into the latter category.  You can see the watermark, it’s called Pictory.AI.

The app’s claim is using AI to convert your long form, text content into videos, quickly and with no technical skills.

Judge for yourself but I think it delivers.  Here are few points for consideration,

  • Charities have lots of long-form content – blogs for one. They struggle mightily to crank out video for any number of reasons.
  • DonorVoice is no different, reams of long-form content, nary a video save for archived webinars.
  • I created this video is about 30 minutes and can cut that time in half with much of the learning curve behind me after one session.
  • The AI did most of the work, probably 70%.  I did the voice-over so giving myself 25% there.
  • The last five percent was me swapping out a couple video clips.
  • I gave the blog post link to the machine.
  • It made a first pass at choosing the key points.
  • I made some very quick edits by adding and dropping some of the machine choices
  • AI did all the matching of short, royalty free video clips to the text because it “understands” the words.
  • I swapped out a couple of the AI choices using the platform’s existing meme/video library.
  • The voiceover took 4 minutes, including redoing a couple ‘scene’ recordings.
  • There are AI voices so you could eliminate that step entirely.  However, here is where AI is still very obviously a machine.  The voices still sound robotic, and the pauses and intonations are not natural.  But I could have made myself British, which automatically increases my IQ by 10pts with fellow Americans.
  • All the background music and transitions, while editable with lots of platform provided choices, were entirely done by AI and I let it ride.

What do you think?  What are some charity use-cases?  Agency use-cases?


3 responses to “AI Insta-Videos”

  1. Stephen Best says:

    It’s quite easy to create a video. It’s quite difficult to create a video that motivates someone to action or influences a person’s thinking. This video does neither. It’s off the tracks, so far.

    • Kevin Schulman says:

      Stephen, thanks for the comment. I’d argue it is pretty hard or at least very time consuming to make video. This was really a demo of how new tools, supported by AI, can cut production time to a fraction of alternative and more manual approaches.

      This video wasn’t trying to make a new point, it was the Monday post and used as illustration of the app. But if you read that post and felt the same way then the content is off the mark, at least for you. I would be curious if you got any value from the Monday post, which was fuller and this video, edited down?

  2. Tom Ahern says:

    At some point in human history, this convo happened:

    “What’s that round thing you’ve got there?”
    “I call it a wheel.”
    “What’s it do?”
    “Well, let me show you.”

    Thank you, Kevin, for your delightful demonstration and report.