Are Women Served By The Web?

April 3, 2008      Admin

Diane Mermigas, editor-at-large of MediaPost and a self-described "professional boomer with four children," has written this interesting critique of websites branded as "for women."

She says most of them are missing the mark in terms of style, content and relevance.

Her favorite "for women" site seems to be, which "bucks the predictable by providing intellectually and socially relevant original commentary from 16 marquee journalists and celebrities." The group includes Leslie Stahl, Candice Bergen, Joan Ganz Cooney, Whoopi Goldberg, Peggy Noonan, Lily Tomlin, Liz Smith and other luminaries.

She calls it "the Huffington Post of women’s chat." They call it "A new way for women to talk culture, politics & gossip." (Women on the Web) looks pretty impressive to me, but then I’m just a frivolous kind of guy … I’m sold by the way "wowowow" flows off the fingertips!

Seriously, I wouldn’t mind my nonprofit brand having a profile on this site.
