Are You Behaving Like Facebook?

April 2, 2018      Roger Craver

Seems as though all the world–  the press, Congress, the European Union, advertisers, competitors and millions of users themselves—are focused on Facebook’s privacy and data practices.

This is a great opportunity to look at privacy and data practices in our own sector.

Sadly, many nonprofits behave like Facebook.

  • They share and rent data without asking.
  • They  force contributors onto a donor journey of our design without asking them what they prefer.
  • They rely more on transactional and appended data  than on information received directly by asking the donor.

We can– and must– do better. Not because heightened regulation is certain to come our way (it will), but because it makes for far more effective experiences that are pleasing to our donors and far higher results.

Better than Facebook

On Wednesday, April 4th, Kevin Schulman and Nick Ellinger will walk through how moving beyond mere transactional information like RFM and demographic profiling can produce outstanding results while thrilling your donors.

Segmenting your appeals using donor identityimproves both revenues and retention.  And because you using information provided by your donors themselves you won’t end up testifying before Congress or Parliament about your data practices.

Sign up Today for Wednesday’s Free Webinar: how donor journeys based on user-revealed data can increase donations.  Kevin and Nick will cover not on the “why” of donor-revealed data but also the “how.”  How to discover, test, and use identities to create custom donor journeys.

In two days, on Wednesday, you can find out why your current data practices and donor journeys are costing you money, and what to do about it.  Just sign up here.
