Bazooka and Neutrogena Have Clues for You

August 23, 2006      Admin

B.L. Ochman's blog points us to an instructive promotional contest sponsored by Bazooka, the bubble gum folks, on YouTube. Bazooka is encourging kids to submit their own dance video routines to accompany a 50's song called “Choo'n Gum.”

Now what could this possibly mean to you, Ms. Cause or Charity Marketer?!

Her point:

Social media sites like MySpace,, flickr, SecondLife are providing easy tie-ins for marketers' campaigns, saving them huge programming fees.

The so-called social networking sites are the fastest growing watering holes on the web — indeed YouTube and MySpace are in the top ranks of visitors, competitive with the establishment portals like Yahoo and MSN. Creatively used, the social sites potentially can pull thousands of young people into your cause, even as you capitalize on their infrastructure to save costs.

Of course, you need to be interested in attracting young people to your cause!

In a similar vein, as reported by Ad Age, Neutrogena is tapping the creative energies of young girls to engage them in a conversation about their skin problems. In this case, girls are invited to video record themselves talking about their beauty secrets. Otherwise known as “brand building.” The result: 1,500 videos in the first two weeks.

If your organization is interested in appealing to young people, and you don't think you will need to master new media techniques, you oughta be fired.