Best Political Videos

September 24, 2006      Admin

Political videos are proliferating these days. The election cycle of course plays a part, but we're just seeing the very leading edge of what will become a huge form of citizen expression on sites like YouTube and the myriad clones set up by major portals like Yahoo, Google, AOL and, yes, even Al Gore's CurrentTV.

Here's a batch of the new “best of the week” feature from Politics Online, one of our favorite sources. This selection is actually pretty mainstream, as compared, say, to the amateur video reporting that caught Senator Allen (VA) in his infamous racist comment on the campaign.

Fox News Alert: Chavez Calls President Bush “The Devil”
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez took his verbal battle with the United States to the floor of the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday, calling U.S. President George W. Bush 'the devil.'
Watch the YouTube Video

Pope Stops Short of Issuing Apology to Muslims
Pope Benedict XVI said Wednesday that he has 'deep respect' for Islam, but he did not offer an apology demanded by some Muslim leaders offended by the pontiff's remarks in Germany last week.
Watch the Washington Post Video

Daily Show: Clinton and The Global Initiative
Jon Stewart interviews special guest Bill Clinton on the Daily Show about the Global Initiative. There are four segments of conference – Global Warming, Alleviation of Poverty, Global Health Challenges, and Religious and Racial Reconciliation. The Initiative will include few speeches, more conversations and action oriented dialogue.
Watch the YouTube Video