Best U.S. Political Ad Of 2016
Agitator readers in the U.S. have been inundated with political ads of all kinds. An estimated $4.4 billion in TV spending alone. Up from $3.8 billion in 2012.
Enough is enough. “Too much”, as Grandma Craver used to say, “will make a dog sick.”
Sadly, most fail the basic test of informing viewers on the “why” of a candidacy, not to mention the “what” and “how” the candidates will perform if elected.
Here, from the campaign of Gerald Daugherty, running for re-election as a Travis County Commissioner (Austin, Texas) is my choice for the best campaign ad of 2016.
The ad features Daugherty helping his wife around the house and hosting friends for dinner. But he just won’t stop talking about work. Throughout the whole ad Daugherty is talking about issues — jails, taxes, transportation — in a steady stream, no matter what he’s doing or who he’s with.
In a political environment where donors are fed up with “do nothing” politicians, below is a refreshing example of communicating the “why”, “what” and “how”. At least one candidate is breaking through the clutter of the U.S. campaign season.
What appears to be risky in this ad — to portray a candidate in any way negatively, and in this case as annoying — is actually not risky at all. It’s not like any Texans will ever meet this man and be subjected to his constant statistical rants.
In a voter’s mind those same annoying statistical rants become this candidate’s greatest weapon. Voters want someone who has command of the stats, are informed, and who want to fix things.
This ad has my vote for the ‘Best of 2016′. What about you?
P.S. Tom and I have each sent Gerald our absentee ballots. And condolences to his wife.
Roger, I’ve seen this ad, and agree with you that it is fantastic. It’s humorous and conveys something important about the candidate. However, it’s not quite my favorite. I live and work in Pennsylvania, a vital swing state. We’ve been deluged with ads from the presidential candidates as well as those running for Senate. While they’re all far more annoying than the Gerald ad, they have one major benefit that makes them my favorites: They’re pouring millions of dollars into the Pennsylvania economy. Hey, if I have to put up with this crap, there better be some benefit.
Roger – for sheer risky creativity, definitely the best I’ve seen! Thanks for sharing it. I’ve screened hundreds of ads over the past year for my class on advocacy campaigning. The only one that stands out, but for very different reasons, is a 90-second Bernie ad, “Heart of Aloha”, that aired only in Hawaii just before the primary there. Features U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a well-known political figure in Hawaii:
Thank God for humor in this awful election season!
And what a great reminder about messaging. The best way to go viral is to add some fun and humor!