Beware Of Gifts!
December 7, 2016
Tom Belford
As Roger noted yesterday, for many nonprofits it’s budget season, which — at least in theory — involves some performance assessment of the current year.
And not just the performance of ‘the organization’ or its revenue results, but review of the people as well.
Getting nervous?
So, on what basis do you want to be evaluated for your efforts over the last twelve months?
- Your enthusiasm (“Clarice always had a smile on her face and a cheery word for all … until we let her go.”)?
- Meeting your numbers (a usually successful but conservative approach … good enough for the inflation index pay adjustment)?
- The successful innovations you introduced (now we’re cookin’ and reaching for the raise)?
- The — as yet unearthed — potential you hold for breakthrough accomplishments in the coming year (a bolder pitch still, especially if your only alternative is back to #1 … Enthusiasm)?
And if you’re in a position to be doing the evaluating, which criteria will you use?
Beware if the higher-ups approach you bearing gifts (hold out for the salary raise)!

Happy evaluating!
Consider the distinctions between: Individual performance and organizational performance. Maybe the fundraisers busted his/her brain and heart and and to engage the board and board members and other staff and CEO. But none of them played…or played very well. So what kind of performance review is that fundraiser receiving? Darn good if they enabled as well as possible and and and and and … But didn’t make the income goals because no one else played.