Brain Dead Fundraising

September 27, 2021      Roger Craver

If Kevin had doubts about the quality of HP’s request for feedback on printer cartridges, he’d love what landed in my inbox.

“Brain dead!”  That’s how one of the best fundraisers I know described a digital appeal he received from the Democratic National Committee and forwarded to the Agitator .

For those of us continually hammered by the hyperbolic, oft-imbecilic pounding of political fundraising this email  lacked the “get- your-gift- in-by-11:59 p.m.-to -have- it -matched 10X- or the world will end”, but it clearly illustrates the total lack of understanding of what’s needed to motivate and keep donors.

Don’t take my word for it.  Judge for yourself.  Here’s the first part of the email from the Democratic National Committee.

From:  Patrick, Lauren, Jess, Nick <>

To:  John

SUBJ: New Message for John

Reply -To:

The email is headed with the photos of the senders –Patrick, Lauren, Jess and Nick along with a line identifying their functions.  So far, an interesting technique and as one who often wonders who’s sending me this stuff I appreciate the openness.  But then the faux SMS message quickly descends into faux sincerity.

  Click to enlarge

Seems as though Patrick,  the Chief Mobilization officer is about to go into a “meeting with Jaime” (I assume that’s Jamie Harrison,DNC Chair) and needs to know “How are we feeling about fundraising numbers this month?”

Lauren, who’s identified as Deputy Chief Mobilization Officer, Grassroots Fundraising, responds that “Things were looking good, but we’ve been in a bit of a slump. If we’re going to close the gap for the month, we’re going to need more support from our grassroots donors.”

I get the message.  They need money.  Let’s see why.

Well, Jess, the Email and SMS Director, weighs in with the start of an explanation. “Yeah, email fundraising has been slow today. We can send an SMS tomorrow to try to get things to pick up a little, but that may not be enough.”

To which Nick, who’s identified as the Deputy Director of Email and SMS, adds a real donor motivator: “Do you think folks know how important this month’s FEC deadline is?”

Fortunately, Patrick, the Chief Mobilization Officer, spots a potential weakness in the appeal, “We should explain what their donations will go towards: early investments in voter protection, grassroots organizing, and all that.”

Clearly, the team seems to understand the donor needs some reason to give.

                                                                                                                                                                       Click to enlarge

So what’s their case for support?

Lauren, the Deputy Chief Mobilization Officer, Grassroots Fundraising, agrees with Patrick and adds a heart emoji for emphasis: “And make it clear that voters are heading to the polls this November, too. No off-years!

Well that ought to impel donors toward the Donate button and cinch the deal.

But just to be sure Jess, the Email and SMS Director applauds with “Yes! Nick, let’s send this message out ASAP”.

Patrick, the Chief Mobilization Officer, is clearly satisfied with this mega-motivating case, “Alright, gotta head into this meeting.  Can’t wait to see how our supporters step up!

  Click to enlarge

The appeal ends with this  call to the donor:


and make a $7 donation to the DNC today?

Agitator Lesson #1 on Making a Case for Support to Donors

No one buys a Chevy because General Motors needs the money.


You can see the complete appeal here.

7 responses to “Brain Dead Fundraising”

  1. Bob Hartsook says:

    Roger, you know political fundraising isn’t my deal. But I enjoy your and others conversations. May be my older age view, but it appears we are getting the technology drive the message. My son as a child used to say, “ I see it, I want it, I have to have it.” Have a good week.

  2. Michael says:

    Hi Roger –
    I have a friend whose parents were staunch Democrats. In a recent conversation, he shared, “my family always votes Democratic” (aka Brain Dead). So, the DNC mind set, so-to-speak, simply fails to see the light of a new day. Why? Could it be that the DNC prefers to keep Donors in the dark, and prevent them from not seeing the new, crap version of the once revered Kennedy Democratic party? Unlike my friend, I vote with my conscience. I have withheld my vote from both candidates and not voted, so why would I support a faceless political party? I despised the Nixon years and the Bush family cabal domination. I breathed a sigh of relief when pinhead, Geo Jr packed up to go to Texas and take up oil painting. Then came the Obamas – not one, but two – one for each sex. Maybe more, if you think about it. (Barry & Michael) Transparency? How about Ba-Ba-Ba-Bath-House Barry? I digress. The Obamas gave us their ability to hide from essential discussion because anyone challenging them would be labeled racist. I voted for Trump. I would vote for Trump again – despite the Republican party. Bring back Andrew Jackson and all his flaws from the grave and I’d vote for him – despite him being the founder of the Democratic party.

    • Denisa says:

      I bow to your impeccable logic and razor sharp analysis. You are truly a great thinker with no trace of bigotry or racism

      If you will excuse me… I must go with haste and burn my Elizabeth Warren t-shirt and the shattered bits of my Katie Porter coffee mug.

    • Pat Greene says:

      Michael, Michael…a mind is a terrible thing to fill with lies, hate, and bigotry. Sad.

  3. Kim says:

    I am clearly too old for this fundraising appeal. It just makes me laugh but I certainly am not motivated to give. Alas, they spam me so I just delete all their emails anyway.

  4. Sabrina N. says:

    This post and the responses just inspired me to find that exact email in my inbox, click through, and make a donation to the DNC.