Broken! Dangerous Fundraising Machinery

July 16, 2015      Roger Craver

I wonder how many donors give in spite of the fundraising machine, not because of it?!

As I read and wrote about the press and public’s outrage over Face-2-Face and telemarketing techniques that’s spilled forth in the UK, I kept asking: “Why or how in the world could a sector this sophisticated have allowed this to happen?”

After all, it was in the UK where direct debit, monthly giving first proved itself and served as a model for much of the world. And then the process, the machinery ran amok. Telemarketers called too often and too intently. Canvassers flooded the streets. Finally the public threw up.

Whether all this was allowed to happen because of greed, arrogance, ignorance or incompetent and inferior leadership, I have no idea.

What I do know is that lousy fundraising — meaning neglect of or contempt for the donor — is not unique to the UK. It is the global norm.

gearsFortunately there’s a silver lining as some of the bigger players in the sector are beginning to see the light … mainly because their business-as-usual fundraising machinery is causing them to feel the heat. If not in the form of an outraged press and public, then in the more quiet and deadlier decline in retention and lifetime value.

My hope is that we not miss the opportunity to get at the root of all this: our failure to involve, listen to and build true relationships with donors.

We need to get specific and share our insights into what makes for effective and real management of the donor experience. The sort of effort that avoids jargon, abstraction and platitudes. Because frankly, if we go that route nothing will improve.

“Donor experience” as we’ve noted in several posts — here and here — can be measured and acted upon. But, as I noted in yesterday’s post, we must begin by listening to the donors.

I truly believe our donors can and do provide important insights into how to repair or re-design some of the machinery we use. Their feedback provides essential information to keep us on track.

Here’s an illustration of what I mean by involving the donor to keep the machine on track. A charity I’m involved with as a volunteer conducts major Face-2-Face efforts. They have built immediate donor feedback and equally immediate organizational response into the process.

Meet Bret Maidman.  A face-to-face fundraiser recruited him on Monday, July 13th. He agreed to the monthly contribution requested.

Now in most of the current fundraising world this action would be called ‘success’ as Bret is reduced to a ‘1’ (for a ‘yes’), coded into the CRM. Bret is now a statistic on a spreadsheet showing a projected break-even for the campaign, knowing that he has, at best, a 50% chance of sticking around.

But not in this case. Not with this charity. They have an automated process in place to ask for the donor’s feedback immediately after an interaction. It is a prominent request; in fact it is the most important task in the solicitation process.

The charity understands that not all ‘1’s are created equal. They know that half do leave and that the vast majority do so within the first 3 months. So they place a feedback mechanism to identify and discriminate among the 1’s by asking them for feedback immediately after they sign up and as part of the email confirmation.

Here’s how Bret, in his own words reported his experience with the charity.

 “Put systems in place so people who are interested can contribute what they want on a single basis rather than being manipulated into repeat payments that they have to cancel. You have a good cause, but the way that you direct your representatives to solicit donations lacks integrity – so much so that I am not comfortable with you. It is a shame. I wanted to give something. I did not want to be forced to have to cancel ongoing payments so I could contribute anything. It makes me very uncomfortable with who you are.”

 And this is how the charity responded.

An immediate email went to Bret apologizing for the experience being less than ideal. And then, in the most simple and human of ‘next steps’, they telephoned Bret to set things right.

They solicited a one-time donation from Bret, canceled his monthly pledge, and also received an agreement from Bret that they could send materials over the next 3 months showing how his gift made an impact. Finally, Bret agreed that he would take a call from the charity at that point to see about increasing his support in some way.

From One Voice to Many

The charity makes use of this feedback by periodically aggregating and analyzing comments and input from all donors, making system-wide changes to the donor experience. This has the dual benefit of improving the donor experience and raising more money.

Of course this illustration is not a once and done thing. It is emblematic of a mindset, a method of operation … a key starting point in the new world order where donor experiences — and the process of measuring and managing them — truly matter.

Please share what you’re doing to listen to, and act on, donors’ experience with your organization.



3 responses to “Broken! Dangerous Fundraising Machinery”

  1. Jeff Nickel says:

    Roger, one of the truths of direct response fundraising that I learned as a newbie in the late ‘80’s was: donors say one thing and do another. At the same time we would preach from convention podiums not to treat donors like ATMs. But we couldn’t help ourselves. Donors live in spread sheets and sophisticated models and are numbers to be counted, analyzed, and segmented. We have dehumanized donors and treated them as statistics even when we say we shouldn’t.

    But you asked what are we doing to “listen.” For eleven years a unique offering we’ve made to many of our clients’ donors is something I thought would never work (because donors say one thing and do another… ): give them control of the donor communications stream in exchange for commitment to gift amount and frequency! Meaning, donors choose monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, or annual gifts (and amounts) and the frequency of communications is matched to what they donor committed to do.

    This model treats donors as human beings – as Heroes – who actually love the mission of the organization and want to see it thrive. And the model works so well (typically 90+% retention even from check writers) that donors have even written to local newspapers and said all charities should provide this option.

    So why don’t more organizations offer this? Because it’s too difficult for most to do the heavy lifting required to do anything more than a monthly, calendarized sustainer program and because our industry continues to believe donors say one thing and do another.

    Shame on us.

  2. Usha Menon says:

    Hi Roger, thanks for the post and I am sorry to hear about the developments in your neck of the woods.

    In one of my blogs last year I have said this to the Asian fundraisers who are working with the young population in Asia: “This is a savvy and sceptical segment, who have a sharp eye focused on the ethical practises of the non-profits as much as on the impact in the community. They don’t wear their association with a brand as a social badge nor are they anti-brand. What they are against is unethical behaviour by any brand. (‘Branded- NGOs’ who have jumped feet first into the outsourced face to face fundraising arena in Asia– Be aware!).”

    My observation is that many fundraisers these days can hardly be called ‘fundraisers’ . They are merely ‘project managers’ ensuring that outsourced face-to-face / telemarketing agencies are squeezing as much out of their investments and meeting their targets – and when money is the main motivation – the fundraising suffers, as it is now. As it always has.

    May the force be with the real fundraisers.


    PS: the blog I refered to above can be read at:

  3. Mike Cowart says:

    I don’t know if you’ve heard Tom Gaffny’s presentation at Blackbaud’s npNext Confereence. He and his wife had made minimal annual gifts to Food for the Poor.
    Two days after the Boston Marathon bombing, they received a phone messagel from Food for the Poor-“We are calling to see if you and your family are safe and will call back to check on you.” The Gaffnys received the second phone call.

    Food for the Poor made 25,000 similar calls after Hurricane Sandy.

    Do you think their donor passion level increased?