Cabbies and Carbon Sequestration

July 27, 2006      Admin

When's the last time you had a great conversation with your cabbie about “carbon sequestration.” NOT!

And that's the problem with today's knowledgeable, authoritative, but politically weak environmental groups.

In a must read article in this week's Nation magazine, Mark Hertsgaard, the Nation's environmental correspondent, contrasts the staleness and homogeneity of the national groups with the dynamism and diversity of a new grassroots environmental movement.

From my own perspective, after 40 years of working with environmental movements, from Environmental Defense Fund to NRDC, to Greenpeace, to WWF, the Wilderness Society, etc, it's both exhilarating and sad to see how far they've come.

They've grown rich in science and policy, rich in their ability to attract caring, committed and talented folks.

But, while dealing effectively in communicating with the caring rich and the mindful middle class in their major gift and direct marketing programs, the mainstream groups have not effectively, in more than a decade, dealt with the larger politics of their movement.

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