Calling all Copywriters

May 23, 2022      Kevin Schulman, Founder, DonorVoice and DVCanvass

Your words matter.  Anybody saying people don’t read copy hasn’t done a copy test to prove they do.  Heck, we’ve done seemingly really minor copy tweaks and seen that matters.  Subject line testing anyone?

All copywriters know the copy needs to be simple and relatable.  It should read like a personal letter or conversation.

And story?  Who doesn’t love a good story?   It lights up the same parts of the brain as if one actually experienced it.  Short of teleporting all your donors to the frontlines of your mission, this is your golden ticket to conversion.

We’re hosting a learning session to showcase what we call the Science of Words and how it can improve your copy, register here. 

It’s been said Jack Nicklaus, arguably the greatest golfer of all time, would start every golf season anew.  He had a swing coach and insisted the coach treat him as a newbie golfer starting with step one, how to grip a club.

Why? Muscle memory and habit can get us into a groove but the groove can become a rut and one that’s worn with bad practice sneaking its way in.  We’re almost always unaware of it and need outside help to see it.

The Science of Words is your outside help, flagging words to use and drop to make your copy feel more personal and readable.  And science has guidance on storytelling too, helping create that ‘real page-turner’ feeling among our supporters.

Join us for a more in-depth tour of the Science of Words in this June 7th learning session.   We’ll share easy to follow rules of the road to improve your writing.

And we’ll show you a really slick, easy to use online tool, Copy Optimizer, to systematize all this and build new muscle memory.  We’ll show examples of Good and Bad and easy fixes to turn the latter into the former.

Click here to register. 
