Check Out Unity08

September 12, 2007      Admin

Unity08 is an online political movement that aims to offer the American voters an alternative choice to the major party candidates on Election Day 2008.

They plan to conduct an online nominating process — over 100,000 delegates have signed up so far — and then to get the selected Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominees on the ballot in each state in November 2008.

In others words, this isn't just another interesting but no-impact online polling exercise. Folks participating in Unity08 will be launching an alternative candidacy in the real world.

Who are these Unity08 delegates and what are their issue interests? If your nonprofit plays in the issue advocacy arena, you should probably take a look at this movement.

Not your average crackpots … these delegates are well-educated (61% college grads), older (but not ancient, 60% age 50+), higher income (63% earning $50K+), highly engaged voters … just the sort of people who form the core donor constituencies of advocacy nonprofits of all political stripes.

Here are the results of Unity08's recent delegate survey. Some highlights:

Top 10 issues deemed “crucial to the safety and well-being of the country”:

1. Terrorism
2. Integrity/accountability of elected officials
3. Global climate change
4. Involvement in Iraq
5. Education
6. Illegal immigration
7. Energy supplies
8. Family values
9. Health care
10.America's role in international affairs

Asked which 3-5 of these self-selected priorities they most wanted the next Administration to address, delegates selected, in top down order: health care, terrorism, Iraq, illegal immigration, and education.

And to peak your interest, their favorite news/political pundit is … Jon Stewart (!!), picked by 52% of delegates. Compared to 35% for the venerable Jim Lehrer. The times they are a-changin!

Check out Unity08.

Roger & Tom