CNN Continues Investigation Of Quadriga Art

September 24, 2012      Roger Craver

As Roger anticipated in his post last week, Take This To Your Board and CEO Today, CNN’s investigation of the fundraising practices of Quadriga Art and certain of its clients continues.

Last night, CNN aired this segment on Anderson Cooper 360, this time reporting that the Disabled Veterans National Foundation, a Quadriga Art client already the subject of an investigation by the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, “essentially paid off another charity years ago after claims that it pirated logo design, wording for fund-raising direct mail letters and a host of other items before launching its own direct mail campaign.”

In the segment, The Agitator’s Roger Craver makes an important distinction between nonprofits or their vendors investing in donor acquisition (obviously neither unethical nor illegal) versus deceiving donors as to whether the organization’s stated charitable purposes are actually being met.

Quadriga is now being investigated by the states of Florida, California and New York, according to CNN’s report.

Meanwhile, this video offers a vigorous defense of Quadriga’s practices by the company’s CEO, Mark Schulhof.

Stay tuned … there’s plenty more to come.


One response to “CNN Continues Investigation Of Quadriga Art”

  1. Roger, thanks for getting involved and speaking out on behalf of those of us (and there are plenty of us!) who have ethical fundraising practices and care about the organizations we serve and the donors who generously support them every year. Positive change happens in this world every day because of the American donor and we owe it to her (and him) to speak out against the groups that take advantage of them and to support and publicly celebrate the charities that use their donations as they say they will. Ellen – You looked great!