Day Off

August 8, 2012      Admin

Well, not exactly.

Roger and I are making our first joint public appearance in the history of The Agitator on Wednesday, although I’m cheating a bit … I’ll be there via Skype from New Zealand!

We’ll be doing a rant of some sort on ‘Harnessing Change’, the theme of the 2012 Bridge Conference in Washington, DC. The Conference is conducted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Washington Metro Chapter and the Direct Marketing Association of Washington.

We’ll be offering our sense of the Top 10 change factors in fundraising, as well as some reasons why change gets stymied too often. We look forward to challenging response from our audience.

We’ll figure out a way to get our remarks to you. Thanks to all our readers who responded with ideas for our presentation.

Stay tuned.

Tom and Roger