Day Off

July 3, 2015      Admin

It’s Independence Day weekend in the US; today’s the legal holiday.

Roger’s off lighting fireworks. I’m engaged in that favorite American 4th of July past-time … watching Wimbledon.

Our US fundraising colleagues have a nice three-day window in which to plan the rest of their summer vacations.

And to reflect over a beer, wine or gin & tonic on their present work-balance. Speaking of which …

This is one of my Dilbert favorites; forgive me for using it again.

work life balance

To our friends in the USA, enjoy your holiday.

To our friends elsewhere in the world, enjoy a workday of The Agitator not aggravating you.


One response to “Day Off”

  1. Wes says:

    Strangely, our university doesn’t get this holiday off. Some quirk of the holiday scheduling for FY15, apparently, because we get the holiday next year. But it’s certainly quiet around here!