“Did I Fly All The Way Here For This?!”

May 21, 2008      Admin

Seth Godin, in his usual effortless way, raises a point that’s so obvious, but still makes you think.

Talking about rising fuel and other "transaction" costs of air travel, he observes that if you’re going to get on a plane these days and travel to a distant conference or sales meeting, it had better be one hell of a meeting!

I’d add mere driving to a meeting!

The harder it is to get there, the higher the expectations. We can all see where this leads in terms of traveling to make a fundraising pitch or to see the brass at headquarters … if it’s really worth doing at all, these days it had better be spectacular in terms of preparation, presentation, and potential results!

But it got me to thinking … where else have expectations been drastically raised? And become commensurately more difficult to meet?

Well, what about getting a major donor to part with a significant contribution? Or fighting through the clutter and competition to get a mere $25 via direct mail or online?

What do you think? Is it getting harder to raise a dollar? If you think so, why is that?

More competitors for the dollar? More skepticism amongst donors? Higher demands for "proof" of effectiveness? A less generous donor pool (for what reasons)? Despair over the intractability of major problems?

Is it getting harder?



One response to ““Did I Fly All The Way Here For This?!””

  1. Bob Roth says:

    I’d say that there is more skepticism rooted in the donor pool. For many reasons, we want to know that what leaves our household is used efficiently for the good of the cause. With the web, just by doing a little work, we can find out what an organization is up to.