Don’t Count On Unhappiness
According to the political pundits just about everybody in America is unhappy … damn mad, in fact (although to folks here in New Zealand, ‘mad’ has a different connotation in this case).
Isn’t that the explanation for the success of Bernie and, even more so, Donald, according to the political analysts? Especially Donald and his angry white men.
Hang on … fundraisers be careful. In case you US-based fundraisers have been tempted to couch your fundraising appeals in terms that are based on a presumption of deep disenchantment (i.e., something deeper and more pervasive than political upset), think again.
The latest Harris survey says the opposite — they find that everybody’s happy … and they mean just about everybody! {Harris’ own headline — I assume to garner attention — is “Latest Happiness Index Reveals American Happiness at All-Time High”. That’s what got me to read the story. But then I looked at the details. And, BTW, the Index fell from 34 to 31 … not really a shocker.]
Here’s what the detail reveals.
In their survey, yes, there are plenty of people who think the country’s headed in the wrong direction (73%), who think Congress is doing only a fair or poor job (90% agree), and plenty who think their voice is not heard by national government (73% agree), but when people in this survey (and Harris is pretty good at this) are asked:
How much do you agree or disagree with this statement — “At this time, I’m generally happy with my life” — here’s the percentages in each segment who agree …
- Total respondents: 81%
- Unemployed: 80%
- Retired: 89%
- Parents: 83%
- Age 55-64: 83%
- Age 65+: 90%
So, unless your fundraising target audience is Male & Age 45-64 (68%), Earning less than $50K (73%), a Student (72%), and/or Not Married (73%), I wouldn’t count on unhappy malaise as much of a motivator for giving! Indeed, across the board, 72% agree: “I’m optimistic about the future.”
Whatever the level of political angst these days, the picture from Harris is that there’s a very strong reservoir of contentment, positivity and optimism in the American psyche.
My suggestion: in your fundraising appeals, remember to speak to the underlying positive motivations that inspire most giving. Yes, there are angry, worried, fearful donors out there, but even when these folks give, they are trying to do good. Acknowledge that.
I have a hard time w/the Harris results compared to what I hear and feel on “Main Street” from folks of multiple generations.
A friend just returned from 2 weeks in Southern France and stayed in B&Bs. His conclusion is “Global Unhappiness”-politically and financially.
Obviously, there is also emotional concern regarding terrorism.
In regards to our racial issues-Questions from my grandchildren:
Why are White policemen shooting Black men?
Why are African American people in the streets yelling and screaming?
Has it always been this way?
We go to school together. Why don’t we go to church together?
Why can’t adults get along like we do?