Email Marketing Best Practices

September 12, 2011      Admin

Target Marketing is offering a free (registration required) ‘white paper’ on email marketing best practices.

Actually, it’s more of a tip sheet, but valuable nonetheless. I’ll preview their 12 tips, but urge you to get the full paper.

Best Practices

  1. Write great subject lines.
  2. Don’t forget the preview pane!
  3. Avoid SPAM language. They offer words to avoid.
  4. Make it look good.
  5. Treat your recipients like real people.
  6. Focus on meaningful content.
  7. Establish your brand. Become familiar to your recipients.
  8. Include an offer.
  9. Avoid large images.
  10. Ask to be on their list.
  11. Know and follow CAN-SPAM regulations.
  12. Study major email providers policies.

Straightforward and sound. You can find additional email marketing intelligence collected by Targeted Marketing here.


4 responses to “Email Marketing Best Practices”

  1. Kevin says:

    I would not promote something like this for this price: “By requesting this whitepaper and providing the information above, Target Marketing Group may provide this information to the advertiser.”

  2. reh says:

    In addition to the traditional email marketing (mass email) one should look at another marketing opportunity and that is the emails we all send from our corporate email addresses every day. I represent a company that has developed a solution for just those emails and thus this post.
    The basic idea behind wrapmail is to utilize the facts that all businesses have websites and employees that send emails every day. These emails can become complete marketing tools and help promote, brand, sell and cross-sell in addition to drive traffic to the website and conduct research. Wrapmail is available for free at
    WrapMail also helps search for missing children with every email sent by incorporating an optional RSS feed from the Center for Missing and Exploited Children

  3. Thank you VERY much for this post. It hits on alot of valid points that definetly needed to be addresed. Especially when it comes to something as difficult as email marketing.

    I have been working on a site that covers all things marketing along with modifiers such as mobile marketing and social media marketing. Its definitely worth a look. Let me know what you think PLEASE. Thanks.

    p.s. I am not spam. Todays date is 9-13-2011 🙂

  4. Cheryl Black says:

    I would add two closely aligned tips to this list. First, segment your list. Your major donors and your grassroots volunteers likely have slightly different interests. Second, personalize your email. This can be as easy as having a greeting that reads “Dear George” instead of “Dear friend.” Or you can get as elaborate as “Dear George, Your recent gift of $50…”

    Happy email writing!