Fall On Your Knees … Hear the Angels’ Voices

December 22, 2017      Admin

Hopefully we’re catching you just before your office Christmas party. And in case you haven’t yet found a little ‘Secret Santa’ treat for your boss, here’s an idea … one that will save you heaps of grief in the coming year.

We’re in the giving spirit too.

Once  again, for our eleventh Christmas, we wish to share with you our most enduring Agitator tradition … more sacred than Roger’s adoration of donor retention and Tom’s holy crusade against #GivingTuesday.

Enjoy this unforgettable rendition of O Holy Night.

As we’ve noted before, this performance makes Tom weep, as it takes him back to Midnight Mass and his Catholic grammar school choir days. And Roger gets chills down his spine as he hears the angels’ voices.

This experience will make you fall on your knees too. But you must listen to the entire performance to feel its full power. No irreverence intended.

O Holy Night

Happy Holidays … we hope this magnificent effort inspires you to hit the high notes in 2018.

Roger and Tom

P.S. We didn’t dare associate our Agitator colleague Nick Ellinger with this … he still has a honourable reputation to protect. But we know he sends his season’s regards as well!

One response to “Fall On Your Knees … Hear the Angels’ Voices”

  1. Well gosh. I think I do remember this from years past.

    So for the new year… Could we ask that fundraisers embrace professionalism by learning from the past…Yes people like Jerry Huntsinger. And and and … It’s not acceptable not to know a profession’s history and claim to be a professional. It’s simply UNprofessional to ignore past and current experts and leaders.

    Hapy new year.