Farewell And Hello

December 21, 2016      Admin

In our tiny world of Fundraising Blogdom a mammoth event occurs tomorrow. So we’re sending you advance notice.

After nearly 6 years and 600 posts the crowdblog 101 Fundraising will release its last official post on December 22nd. Then, they’re turning over the publishing baton to The Resource Alliance and its new digital platform, The Resource Café.

101fundraising101Fundraising is a pioneering effort led by Dutch fundraising advisor Reinier Spruit and online marketer Jeroen Beelen and powered by a crew of energetic volunteers. It attracted quality content and discussion from more than 100  international bloggers.

If you haven’t bookmarked this gem or put it on your blogroll you should.

The new editor over at the The Resource Café is a veteran familiar to many in the U.S. For years Meg Battistelli Gardner edited FundRaising Success (now Nonprofit Pro).

We wish Meg all the best and know she’ll do the past proud. You can reach her with your best wishes and content ideas at Meg@Resource-Alliance.org

Meanwhile, we’re awarding a Special Agitator Raise Emeritus to Reinier and Jeroen as a much-deserved thank you for a job well done.

Roger and Tom


5 responses to “Farewell And Hello”

  1. Indeed, thanks to Reinier and Jeroen. And I congratulated Reinier when I saw him live a few months ago…. Saying thank you for founding and thank you for the wisdom to partner with RA. And and and …

    Happy new year all. Or perhaps not “happy.” But more like. KEEP UP THE STRUGGLE and the FIGHT. We lose battles but we have to win the war against sexism, racism, homophobia, islamophobia, etc. etc.

  2. Pamela Grow says:

    Such a lovely send off and thanks to Reinier and Jeroen!

    And of course, they couldn’t have found a better editor. Congrats Meg!

  3. Ramses Man says:

    I remember the launch of 101 Fundraising 6 years ago. It turned out to be one of the most widely followed and read fundraising blogs in fundraising history. That was no doubt due to the fact that it was so well set up by Reinier and Jeroen. Equally responsible for its success they have put so much love and dedication into 101.

    To all the bloggers and volunteers who made it all that it was, I send my thanks and congratulations from Suriname. To Meg: good luck and keep up the good work.

  4. Reinier says:

    Thanks Roger & Tom! And thank you Simone and Pamela! Such a perfect send off. And a “Special Agitator Raise Emeritus” is more than we could have wished for 🙂 Don’t forget to check out our final thank you post tomorrow on 101.

  5. Reinier says:

    Thanks Ramses, appreciate it very much!