Farewell to Nick

January 16, 2020      Roger Craver

Today we say farewell to Nick who’s leaving DonorVoice to become the Chief Brand Officer at Moore DM Group.

It’s always tough to lose a first-rate writing and brainstorming buddy from the Agitator foxhole.  And believe me, Nick’s tossed his share of grenades that questioned conventional wisdom and complacency from his perch here.

So, on his way out, he generously offered to revisit us and toss a few more grenades.  His first offering as a new Agitator alum,  will run tomorrow as the final part in his More vs. Better series–Parts 1 and 2 here and here.

For the nostalgia-driven or information-starved reader, you’ll find Nick’s Agitator posts permanently captured in the Agitator Archives.  And if you haven’t already done so I recommend ensconcing the marvelous compendium of Nick’s gentle humor and sharp insights on your office shelf in the form of his book, The New Nonprofit: Six Models to Raise More Money and Accomplish More Mission .  It’s reviewed here.

As Editor I can’t guarantee as many quirky posts as Nick’s Sex Lives of Danes and Quid Pro Donor Information   but I can assure you that Kevin, Kiki, Josh, Ilja, Charlie and others  will continue to tap into and report on the rich vein of DonorVoice testing, pilot programs and behavioral science research as we’ve been doing over the years.

Meanwhile, a huge thank you and a boatload of hearty good wishes to Nick from all of us at The Agitator and DonorVoice.


P.S.  In lieu of flowers you might like to leave a word or two in the Comments section.  I know Nick would appreciate hearing from you.


24 responses to “Farewell to Nick”

  1. Short and sweet, THANK YOU Nick!! We’ll miss your analytics! Good luck in your transition. I’m sure we’ll hear from you in your new role soon. Cheers, Erica

  2. Kim Silva says:

    Good luck with the new adventure, Nick! Thank you for sharing your wisdom all these years.

  3. Mark Rovner says:

    I’m gonna miss you!

  4. Merci beaucoup, Nick. Keep kicking ass and asking cage-rattling questions. Simone

  5. Shannon McCracken says:

    Who left the gate open??! Nick, thank you for the many agitations. You have a knack for administering medicine without the bitter aftertaste and you made us all a little bit better.
    (And yes, people, buy the book already.)

  6. Tabitha Glenn says:

    Congratulations Nick! I have greatly enjoyed the reading journey you’ve created for us in your column and now your book. Cheers to you and Moore DM Group!

  7. Sarah Robie says:

    Thanks, Nick, for pushing our industry to do better. Your insightful perspectives will be missed. Best of luck!

  8. John Stancik says:

    Best Wishes Nick!

  9. Nick, your insightful and funny posts will be missed. Good luck in your new gig!

  10. Kyla Shawyer says:

    Best of luck Nick and thank you for your pearls of wisdom, contemplations, challenging questions and thought leadership in the sector. Wishing you much continued success! Kyla

  11. Gail Perry says:

    Nick, we’ll miss you! Love your book AND your many witty posts for the Agitator. You are a great webinar presenter, always with a smile on your face – and hope you’ll continue to agitate in your new role!

  12. Pamela Grow says:

    Bummer! You brought a wonderful perspective to The Agitator, Nick, and we’re gonna miss you something fierce. You were always a spectacular Motivate Monday guest and I know that you always got every one of us THINKING. Thank you for always opening our minds. Thank you for your generous heart. And best wishes going forward!

  13. Donald Kossuth says:

    Wishing you all the best, Nick, and thanks for all the advice over the years!

  14. Cindy Courtier says:

    Not goodbye. Just ’til we meet again.

  15. Thank you all for the kind words. I’ll miss all of you too, but this is farewell, not goodbye. I’m guessing I’ll be able to twist Roger’s arm to have me on from time to time. And I’m looking forward to getting the collective smarts in Moore to be able to share with y’all!

  16. Diane J Clifford says:

    To quote Jason from The Good Place: “You’re cool, dope, fresh, and smart-brained. I’ve never seen you dance, but I bet you’re good, ‘cause you’re good at every think. You’re awesome!”

    You’ve done so much to move individual programs and the industry as a whole forward. Cheers to continuing your good works in a new good place!

  17. Michelle Epstein says:

    Congratulations, Nick! It was nice to meet you at the Nonprofit Alliance conference. Love your book!

  18. You’re leaving Nick??! Surely you can’t be serious! 🙂
    Needless to say, your wit and wisdom will be deeply missed. I’m grateful to have your book in my arsenal and look forward to all the new insights you’ll have to share with us from your new role. Thank you for everything!

  19. Love the perspective you bring to this important work, and thank you for pushing us all to work smarter. Best wishes in your new role, and we’ll keep following your insights and wisdom. Thank you!

  20. Greg Olinyk says:

    I just started reading Nick and Roger about a month ago. Although I started a very successful 501(c)(3) 20 years ago I just got back into the nonprofit environment. By the grace of God I stumbled onto the Agitator and Donor Voice just as I was researching the industry for employment.

    My first interview was yesterday. My opportunity to make a positive impression was greatly enhanced by the insights that I picked up on in the last month. In addition to helping me ask intelligent questions, I also introduced the interviewers to the Agitator and Donor Voice publication.

    I would be very very interested to know if there is an ability to seek wise counsel on specific matters. Nic, best of luck in your new environment. I’m looking forward to learning more from Roger and the team

  21. Jason Chmura says:

    Thank you for all of your insightful posts. They’ve helped me tremendously with the Society for Nonprofits.

  22. Tom Belford says:

    Best wishes, Nick, and huge thanks for your cage-rattling contribution to The Agitator. And let’s be honest about two things: 1) whatever the venue, once an agitator, always an agitator. 2) there’s no escaping Roger!

  23. Nick, I’ve appreciated your posts. You have added to my knowledge and have inspired me to think more deeply about important issues. Thank you for generously sharing your wisdom and insights. I wish you the best in your new adventure.