Finding Red Balloons

December 8, 2009      Admin

Here’s a fascinating Defense Department experiment that nonprofits can learn from.

DoD offered a $40,000 prize to whomever was first to locate ten red balloons placed in various locations around the US … some in very obvious places, some not so obvious. The balloons were eight meters in diameter.

The winning team, from MIT, found the balloons in just under nine hours using online tools! They set up a website, sent a bit of paid messaging via mobile phones, and sent out emails asking for help. They promised to share the prize with individuals who helped them locate the balloons and with charities. 4,665 people contributed bits of info to the search.

DoD’s goal for the project was to better understand how people interact via computer networks to accomplish shared goals.

Set aside fundraising for a moment and ask yourself …

How could our nonprofit use online media to directly involve our supporters in accomplishing the core mission of our organization … to find our unique red balloons?
