For our UK colleagues
(Or, I suppose our colleagues elsewhere in the world who happen to be in England on the 17th…) We have a live event coming up in the UK in a mere two weeks called “How to Redefine Your Supporter Journey.”
Forward thinking fundraisers have invested time, energy, and money looking to re-define the supporter ‘journey’. They’ve wisely looked beyond traditional recency, frequency, and value metrics, which can only tell us ‘what’ someone did. Not ‘why’ they did it. And no amount of additional demographics, behavioral segmentation, attitudinal surveys, satisfaction, loyalty scores, you name, it will answer the ‘why’ question.
With only a handful of exceptions, no one has delivered a supporter journey that’s been proven to work.
That said the exceptions are, well, exceptional. Charities who’ve applied the science necessary to answer ‘why’ people give, why they stop, and applied that to their journey, have:
- Increased their acquisition conversion by 15%
- Increased average gift by £10
- Cut first-year attrition by 50%
On May 17th, the team behind these results will host a free event, to share exactly how it’s done. You will hear how to start:
- uncovering why your donors support you specifically
- exploring which experiences cause loyalty, and which don’t
- identifying experiences which are working and could be scaled
- working out which experiences are broken and need fixing
- finding out which messages drive value
- developing a journey based on knowing precisely what drives loyalty/value for your supporters
Places are limited, and on a first come, first served basis, so please email to save your free place today.