Fundraising Beyond @RealDonaldTrump

January 8, 2018      Roger Craver

I confess.

I spend far too much time transfixed by happenings on social media than I should.  Whether it’s the ravings of the unstable @realDonaldTrump,  or Facebook’s all-too-slow striptease toward the truth about its role in providing fertile ground for Russian election trolls there’s a lot going on that I find fascinating.

But here at Agitator HQ we do turn off the TV, silence the hysterical cable news pundits and attempt to track what’s going on in the quieter parts of online and social media world that affect fundraisers in a practical way.

Consequently, we’re devoting this week to alerting you to developments and changes in that realm. ( So, if you’re not into social media because you raise money the old-fashioned way, pass this on to your colleagues.)

Google is an essential tool for driving traffic—and prospective donors– to nonprofit websitesAnd Google Grants is a valuable part of that ecosystem.  BUT…while many of us were merry-making over the holidays Google made some significant changes in their Grants program.

Tomorrow, in Google Giveth and Google Taketh Away, Nick will outline important and basic changes in Google Grants that anyone benefitting from this program needs to be aware of.  Google provides nonprofits with $10,000 a month of free advertising, but the rules on how to keep that golden goose giving have now changed.  A must read.

In mid-week we’ll tackle Facebook. During Christmas break Facebook announced they would eliminate transaction fees for donations to nonprofits. While this move may strike some as munificent you may want to think twice.

Nick covers “why” in Facebook Giveth on Wednesday.

The next day Nick’s back for further Facebook exploration and will alert you to some of the dangers in the “free” stuff the social media giant makes available to nonprofits.  Invoking a mural of Jar Jar Binks in your fictitious apartment, in his post And Facebook Taketh Away, Nick explains the downside of not being able to capture address and other vital donor information when you use Facebook.

I’ll return on Friday with a piece on Twitch—a remarkable online platform/tv network with thousands of channels and a huge audience that rivals that of CNN.

Why important to Agitator readers?  Twitch is now producing millions in donations for groups like St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Children’s Miracle Network and causes like Puerto Rico hurricane relief.

You’ll want to know more about what may be a significant opportunity to access a generation that resists traditional media but is steeped in video games.

Meanwhile, have a good week and don’t let cable news get you down.






One response to “Fundraising Beyond @RealDonaldTrump”

  1. Joy Olson says:

    So looking forward to this wonderful practical advice! Important sources for sure!