Fundraising’s Top Ten

June 17, 2010      Admin

Friday’s  Fundraising Day in New York was terrific.  Attendance up from last year and lots of enthusiasm and, even more importantly,  plenty of optimism.

After a simply wonderful luncheon speech (and there aren’t many of those at these sorts of events) by Geoffrey Canada, head of The Harlem Children’s Zone, I decided to pack a doggie bag with the dessert that followed— Fundraising Day In New York’s equivalent to Letterman’s Top Ten.

You Know Fundraising is Improving When . . .

10. Donors stop asking for change back from their dollar.

9.   Tiger Woods agrees to text all his friends to support your golf event.

8.   Toyota offers to make a donation to your organization for every gas pedal they fix.

7.   Your annual women’s tea party luncheon attracts 1,000 tea party members.

6.   Kate Gosslin is the host of your new “Dancing with the Donors” event.

5.   Sarah Ferguson becomes your new Director of Donor Relations.

4.  When you learn by an off-hand remark that your staff is using Sarah Palin’s new book: The Guide to FR in Russia, A View From My Back Porch

3.  BP offers to sponsor the “Chocolate Fountain” at your gala dinner.

2.  Betty White agrees to be Chair of your Young Professionals group.

1.  Your Board approves a new “Fundraising Stimulus” program that requires all of them to contribute.


6 responses to “Fundraising’s Top Ten”

  1. Philippe says:

    Hi Roger

    Besides, always a pleasure to read your stuff tainted by your great sense of humor.


  2. Mary Cahalane says:

    We should all be so lucky as to have Betty White chair the young professionals group! Age is just a number, especially with her!

  3. Sue Woodward says:

    Thanks Roger for today’s chuckle … and the number one reason … if it were only true!

  4. Roger,

    Thanks! I also appreciated the wonderful humor and a reason to chuckle!

    Number one is also my favorite of the top ten. It’s up to us to make it true!

  5. Roger, You started my morning with a laugh! Thanks so much.

  6. Mike says:

    With the poor direction that BP has #3 would sound like a good idea to them.

    Funny though….Very funny!