Get Oil On Your Hands

June 25, 2010      Admin

The Agitator is often asked to endorse specific fundraising campaigns, and our policy is to respectfully decline. There are simply too many, we haven’t the resources to evaluate conscientiously, and who are we to pick and choose anyway?!

It’s bad enough that we bombard you daily with our fundraising POV!

But here’s a proposal we like, because it doesn’t involve endorsing a fundraising campaign, but instead, if acted upon, would benefit many necessary fundraising efforts aimed at addressing an indisputable calamity … the Gulf oil spill.

It comes from Terry Barber at Inspiration Boulevard in his article, BP needs to get oil on their hands.

Terry urges BP to take three steps:

1. Become authentic — Put 1ooo employees on the ground around the Gulf to “serve the people on the Gulf Coast. Knock on doors, answer questions, clear out the bureaucracy and burdensome so called “due-diligence” for claims, mop up oil… don’t just pay hired guns… touch it, feel it, experience it first hand, on your hands.”

2. Let America help — Put up a huge matching grant to directly support the many fundraising efforts that will be undertaken by nonprofit groups to restore the environment and address the economic fall-out from the disaster. Terry sees this as a way to better leverage some of the $20 billion BP has pledged for compensation.

3. Reduce the burden — make it a whole lot easier (i.e., less bureaucratic) for locals to apply for financial support.

BP couldn’t pay its high-priced PR army for better advice than this, it seems to us.

Roger & Tom

2 responses to “Get Oil On Your Hands”

  1. I respectfully join Carol with an equally hearty “AMEN!!!!!”

    At the same time, I beg all of the politicos, elites, pundits, hacks, charlatans and phonies to get the hell out of the way, out of the process, and out of the range of the TV cameras and allow Everyman and Everywoman to solve this problem, clean up the environment and make our nation whole again!

    These boneheads who believe that you can never let a disaster or an emergency go to waste are making this entire process more difficult and catastrophic — all in the name of “transformation” and political gain.

    Enough is enough!