Giving By Generations

April 12, 2016      Tom Belford

Here’s a nifty infographic from MobileCause showing the relative charitable giving of the four key demographic segments in the US.

If any of these figures surprise you, think about taking a refresher on the basics of the fundraising biz.

  • Millenials (youngest would be 19 years old; oldest 36) — 25.9% of population, 11% of giving
  • Gen X — 20.4% of population, 20% of giving
  • Boomers (youngest would be 52 years old) — 23.6% of population, 43% of giving
  • Greatest — 11.8% of population, 26% of giving

So, those age 52 and over represent 69% of giving.

Try this for a rule of thumb — if you’re team is spending more than 11% of its time fiddling with tools, techniques, gimmicks, channels to reach prospects under age 36, then your priorities are way out of whack.

Time to re-consider the font size of your fundraising messages! To say nothing of better understanding the values, language and images that motivate older folks. Interesting question: How old does a fundraiser need to be to understand the fundraising sweet spot?


P.S. Here’s the infographic



2 responses to “Giving By Generations”

  1. The report behind this infographic actually came from the Next Generation of American Giving Report and should be cited here.

  2. But wait, Tom…. If we get those millennials now, when they’re young….they they’ll stay with us forever and give us lots when they’re old. Right? (I’m being sarcastic and snide!)

    Enough already! Return on Investment of time and money and energy. Come on people. Could we pay a bit of attention to the research.

    I’m just saying…….