Giving Tuesday … Or Was It Monday?

November 29, 2012      Admin

More often, Roger is the curmudgeon at The Agitator editors’ meetings, but I guess today the distinction falls to me.

Roger called my attention to this notice that on the inaugural ‘#Giving Tuesday‘ (how did I miss this on my calendar?), online contributions (at least those processed by Blackbaud) were up 53% over the same day last year.

I’m told by a reliable authority that would translate to 16,597% up from the first Tuesday an online contribution was ever made back in 2001.

Sorry. ‘#Giving Tuesday’?

Why not celebrate ‘Let’s Get Out of Bed Wednesday’? [There is an official ‘Sleep-In Day’ … it’s October 29, according to Wikipedia.] Or maybe ‘Take a Deep Breath Thursday’? Or for broader appeal … ‘Upgrade Your Monthly Pledge Friday’?

Don’t get me wrong, I like seeing year-over-year fundraising figures. But now, year-over-year ‘#Giving Tuesday’? Did Hallmark Greeting Cards come up with this? Humbug.

Besides, everyone knows that for this commemoration to have any analytical or historical significance whatsoever, it would need to be based on ‘Giving Monday‘.


P.S. Jeff Brooks offers a calmer critique here. But Jeff, I just can’t take the whole thing that seriously.

P.P.S. I’m on a roll now. I think we need to re-assess ALL of our commemoration days and establish some clear priorities. Clean out the commemoration clutter. Strip it down to only 365 significant events to commemorate … one per day.

For example, here are several credible alternatives for 27 November, the inaugural ‘#Giving Day’:

1910: New York’s Pennsylvania Station opened.

1973: The Senate voted 92-3 to confirm Gerald R. Ford as vice president, succeeding Spiro T. Agnew, who had resigned.

2009: Golfer Tiger Woods crashed his SUV outside his Florida mansion, sparking widespread attention to reports of marital infidelity.

Tough choices!


6 responses to “Giving Tuesday … Or Was It Monday?”

  1. Lisa Sargent says:

    #TigerTuesday. You can’t beat alliteration.

  2. Jay Frost says:

    How about “Tom’s Rain On My Parade” Day? Or “Agitated Curmudgeon Day”? Or “If It Involves A Hashtag It Must Be Bad Day”?

  3. Kim Silva says:

    Hehehe, Jay. Funny!

    Well, if we must have Giving Tuesday to get more donations, so be it. I’m willing to take the gifts however I can get them. We toyed around with it at the last minute this year. Let’s see if these new donors translate into long-term donors. Of course this gimmick didn’t cost me anything more than a hour, so I was willing to try.

    We’ve had a lot of success with year end giving through our local Willamette Week Give!Guide: They encourage people under 35 to make gifts to local nonprofits. Very cool! I’ve been working hard the last couple years to convert these donors to permanent donors. Time will tell. Most of the donors through this tool are new. Few of our existing donors give this way, but we have reconnected with lost donors, so happy about that.

    I’m always willing to try something new as long as it isn’t expensive. HA! Oh, and I’m not giving up my year-end appeal via postal mail to my existing base, of course. We do send it via email to those who can’t stand paper mail, but the response rate is lower than the paper mail. No surprise there.

  4. Kathy Swayze says:

    Tom, I think you and Jeff got it wrong this time. I love #GivingTuesday. It’s a perfect way for the good souls in our society to take an action to express their disgust with Black Friday and all the excess of the holiday season.
    And if it kicks off some year end giving a bit earlier, I say, “Amen”. At Impact, we jumped right on board with this new tradition. Giving every employee the chance to select a charity for the company to make a donation to. A great morale booster for folks who work hard raising money all year.
    Giving feels good every day of the year and if we the marketers have found a way to spur giving on one day, I say they deserve a raise!

  5. Phil Wise says:

    Well, I’m a little behind so I’m not sure which celebration is today but I ask that you expand your vision to include the month long observances. There are plenty of those. Phil

  6. Sara says:

    I just like that “Giving Tuesday” is AFTER Gray Thursday, AFTER Black Friday……(are Saturday and Sunday designated?), and AFTER Cyber Monday. Where are our priorities? Oh wait………there is that Thanksgiving thing that gets squashed out by Halloween and Christmas. Poor turkeys don’t even get that much attention anymore.

    I’ve been in the non-profit biz, maybe with my head down too much into my own work, for over 10 years and I never remember hearing about Giving Tuesday until this year. What is that all about?