
December 19, 2017      Admin

Yesterday’s gem from Mark Phillips and the folks at Bluefrog illustrates the length to which some organizations go to abuse donors.  It’s behavior like this that landed UK fundraising in such a mess. 

On the flip side, one of the highlights of 2017 — a major effort intended to counter donor abuse and dig UK fundraising out of its self-created mess — was the launch of The Commission On The Donor Experience.  Hundreds of fundraisers volunteered thousands and thousands of hours in laying the foundation for this ambitious project.

Here’s  the post Tom and I wrote announcing the Commission and outlining its major goals and specific projects. 

Remember:  Bad behavior toward donors isn’t limited to the UK.  Neither is the importance of proper donor care. 

Here’s hoping that 2018 finds this effort nurtured and supported by the entire sector.



Frankly, we’re gobsmacked. Astounded, awestruck and absolutely thrilled by a massive undertaking by UK fundraisers and other leaders in the voluntary sector that should attract the serious attention and participation of all of us — on every continent.

Today the Commission on the Donor Experience  released its overview of recommended changes to transform fundraising from the “prevailing preoccupation with ever-increasing financial targets” to “building the kind of relationships [with donors] upon which long-term fundraising success depends”.

With the aim of helping fundraisers put their supporters — not financial targets — at the very heart of their fundraising strategies, the Commission today issued The 6Ps: a blueprint for transforming fundraising. For good. — a manifesto and prescription for change that is ‘must’ reading for every fundraiser, board member and CEO.

We’re not going to summarize this blueprint because we really do hope you will download it, read, absorb and share it widely.

In brief, The Commission’s 6Ps blueprint is intended for use within nonprofits because it deals with recommended steps our sector should take to consistently deliver exemplary experiences for their donors and other supporters.

In just 8 pages the blueprint lays out “why change is overdue” and “seven fundamental principles that underpin the change that must come” along with the “12 pillars that, collectively, will support fundraising change”.

Now For the Gobsmacked Part

What’s so absolutely thrilling is that the Commission’s blueprint is not some set of lofty, well meaning platitudes. In addition to serving as a manifesto for fundraising change, the Blueprint’s recommendations are backed by a cornucopia of practical tips and recommended actions that lead to better experiences for donors.

Think ‘fundraising encyclopedia’.  Better yet, think ‘Fundraising Wikeipedia’. Why?  Because thanks to the volunteer effort of literally thousands of experts from the voluntary sector — including stellar names in fundraising — the Commission has identified 28 topics/projects and produced a set of detailed principles, actions and hundreds of specially compiled and instructive case histories of donor-centered fundraising that works for nonprofits of all kinds and sizes.

Look at the categories you’ll find in the Commission’s database. Each is linked so you can download summaries or full content from the SOFII website.

For example in Category 13, Giving Choices and Managing Preferences, you’ll find recommendations on the sorts of choices today’s donors must be offered as detailed in an insightful piece by Tim Connor, Jackie Fowler and Ken Burnett

Under Category 20,  Fundraising investment, you’ll find a terrific piece, Being honest and telling the truth well about fundraising costs by Giles Pegram, Allan Freeman, Angela Cuff, David Ainsworth and Andrew O’Brien. Not only a helpful guide that should be shared with every fundraising and communications staffer, but with the board and CEO as well … just one example of the collaborative approach the Commission has taken.

The Commission on the Donor Experience was born in a climate of media attacks on ‘abusive’ charity practices vis a vis donors. But, the Commission’s godfathers, Ken Burnett and Giles Pegram CBE, realized that far more was involved than a stormy media climate. That was merely the canary in the coal mine signalling the need for dramatic and fundamental change in the way our sector does business.

Today,  thanks to their vision and the efforts of Richard Spencer, who directed the work of scores of fundraisers who voluntarily contributed their talent and insights, all of us can benefit  from this remarkable, new collaborative resource — regardless of the continent on which we work.

You’ll be hearing more from The Agitator on the donor-experience treasures to be found in the Commission’s  database.

For now we urge you to download, read, absorb and share The 6Ps: a blueprint for transforming fundraising. For good …

Then … start exploring the reservoir of recommendations, guidelines and practical advice in the Commission’s database.

Meanwhile, we’re raiding our virtual piggy-bank and sending Agitator Raises to all who’ve worked so hard to make this dream a reality.

Roger and Tom