Golden Givers

September 3, 2010      Admin

For your sake, I hope your nonprofit has lots of what American Express calls “Golden Givers.”

As reported on Marketing Daily, “Golden Givers” are super-affluent women age 45 and under. How does Amex define “super-affluent”? You need to charge at least $7,000 per month on your card for at least 12 months!

Is there any reader of The Agitator out there who qualifies? If so, can I be your houseboy? I’ll pay my own relocation expenses.

Now there’s a kernel of relevance for fundraisers here.

This group is called “Golden Givers” because Amex discovered that their charitable giving was the most notable thing about their spending. Super-affluent women 45 and under actually spent 4% more even during the recession, with 23% growth during the recovery (for Amex, from 4Q 2009). These women increased their card-based charitable donations 4% during the recession, compared with 12% in recovery.

I can picture all of you (or your consultants) calling Amex now, asking to rent the “Golden Givers” list.

Good luck!


P.S. Another tip … These gals love to spend online!