Got Any Checklists?

August 2, 2007      Admin

I love checklists. Especially other people's. I'm speaking not so much of the “today's to do” type of list, as I am the “make sure you've done this” list.

Like the “20 things your mail package must include” list or the “10 questions to ask before you send that email appeal” list.

Very practical. High utility. Can be deep in the weeds, or 50,000 feet up in focus.

I especially like to see those lists created by folks who have been around the track alot.

Have you collected any? Send them to The Agitator … we'd love to publish them.

Here's an old one of ours … Top ten things fundraisers should monitor.

1. New donor bonding rate
2. Lifetime value by source of donor
3. Costs of funds raised
4. Incremental online revenue
5. Donor base “capitalization”
6. Your reserve pool
7. “Best donor” satisfaction
8. Transparency of reporting
9. Your competition's marketing
10.The news

OK, that one's a bit cryptic. But we've elaborated it into a white paper, which you can download here, or from the white papers section of our homepage.

Here's a checklist we did for fun awhile back … 12 Factors NOT to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of a nonprofit.

And here are two from list builder and marketing maven Guy Kawasaki. One on the Art of Schmoozing. And another on Making Ideas Stick.

Hope you have some checklists you'll share with us.
