How to Raise Money Without Asking for It

June 22, 2022      Kevin Schulman, Founder, DonorVoice and DVCanvass

Ask for money, get money.  If only it were that simple.  The conversion rate with human beings on your donation form is under 20%.   That’s a lot of missing dollars from people needing something other than another ask to convert.  Enter the donor experience.

[Calling all digital marketers, register for the free learning session on donor experience.]

What does all that Google Analytics data tell you about the donor experience?  A Swiss cheese answer full of holes on why they give, whether they found what they were looking for and whether the checkout process was easy or confusing.

There’s an awful lot of information whose best source is the source itself– your supporter.  I’m always stunned at how little user experience data is collected by the purveyors of online giving tools and tech.  I’ve asked many of those groups if their default forms and template landing pages were user tested and I may as well have asked them to explain quantum physics. In  Greek. Backwards.

Or how about building user experience tools into your online giving CRM?    There are so many things that design “experts” can’t possibly fathom about how people use and mentally process the online world.

Take this example.  We set up a request for feedback about the online giving experience.  It was awful – orange line – and the conversion rate matched, 12%.   This is cause and effect.

We unearthed a list of simple, easy to fix issues that nobody in charge of the online experience would have ever dreamed.  For example, people were printing the confirmation, on paper…

They didn’t know an email would be coming with the same details and either way, these folks wanted paper for their paper file.   Nobody on the charity or agency side ever thought to print the confirmation page.  But, once clued in to this use case we found it printed on many pages.  That was easily fixable but only when the bright light of user and donor experience was shined on it.

These small, cheap changes were made and like a light switch, things reversed course.  The user experience was good – blue line – and conversion skyrocketed.  Cause and effect.

This is raising a boat load more money without increasing the irritation inducing effect of lots of asking.

If you’re interested in combining your behavior data with voice of the donor data you won’t want to miss a free, learning session where you’ll hear more about this example and lots of others.  Plus, you’ll also learn,

  • What donor experience data to collect.
  • How to do it.
  • And lots of ways to make use of it.


P.S.  Calling all digital marketers, register for the free learning session and donor and user experience.