How Would You Know?

July 8, 2006      Admin

The latest issue of Non-Profit Times reports reveals that the #1 factor for donors contributing long term to an organization — selected by 35% of respondents — is that “the organization is well managed and your money is well spent.”

OK. Seems like a no-brainer? Our question is: How would your donor know?

How well does your organization communicate its effectiveness in terms of achieving results? How would you rate your organization's financial transparency?

And getting to a touchy area where the rubber meets the road, do you ever assert that your organization is doing a better job than the “competitor” down the street? Why not? Can you not provide evidence for such a claim? Do you consider such a claim impolite or impolitic? Perhaps you should get over your qualms and re-craft your case. Because, make no mistake, the demand for accountability is ascendant. Why?

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