If You’ve Had A Great Year, Be Thankful. If Not … Try To Hit The High Notes In 2017!
After ten years of Agitator Christmases, we’ve never been able to improve upon this holiday message.
With all your online solicitation programs firing away like an AK-47 on auto-pilot until January 1, fundraisers probably aren’t doing much heavy lifting today … unless it’s carrying in the booze for the office party.
But maybe — over some spiked punch — you might contemplate and chat about your year’s performance — yours personally and your organization’s.
We hope there’s plenty of good cheer … lots of success to celebrate. And if you’re being honest, maybe some post-mortems on what went wrong.
So this post keeps it simple … relying solely of the profound wisdom of Dilbert.
Were your ‘sales’ (donors, especially retained ones) up?

Was your strategy sound?

Did you learn from any mistakes you might have made?

Now, back to the party!
And before the party’s over … fall on your knees and sing along to The Agitator’s favorite hymn.
Once again, for our tenth Christmas, and into our eleventh year, we invite you to share our most enduring Agitator tradition … enjoy this unforgettable rendition of O Holy Night.
As we’ve noted before, this performance makes Tom weep, as it takes him back to Midnight Mass and his Catholic grammar school choir days. And Roger gets chills down his spine thinking you might be singing along.
This experience will make you fall on your knees too. But you must listen to the entire performance to feel its full power. No irreverence intended.
Happy Holidays … we hope this magnificent effort inspires you to hit the high notes in 2017.
Roger and Tom
Congratulations on 10 years! That’s quite an accomplishment and a milestone to be celebrated.
Happy holidays.
yikes, definitely not the Catholic masses I know or Josh Groban or Andrea Bocelli for that matter… thanks for making us cringe, cry, always think and always learn… cheers, Erica
Enjoy celebrating your ten years of making a difference over this Holiday time of reflection and celebration.
The rendition of O Holy Night, now that’s special !!
Happy holidays to you two Roger and Tom.
Blessings to you for continuing to rabble rouse, rant, and prod us to all do better. We are all stronger because of your voice.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you both!
Happy Holidays Roger and Tom! What would our sector do without you two? Thank you for keeping us on our toes.