Internet Fundraising Continues to Climb

September 13, 2007      Admin

Inside Indiana Business reports that internet and e-mail fundraising continues to be “increasingly successful”. Citing the latest Philanthropic Giving Index survey released Tuesday by The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University ,34.4% of the 164 non-profits responding to the survey reported “success” with internet fundraising and e-mail solicitations– a more than double percentage increase since the first survey was taken in 2000.

Lest you're now dashing off to fire your direct mail and major gift teams, here are some quick takeaways:

  • Almost half (47.5%) of the fundraisers surveyed said that online contributions account for only 1% to 5% of their total contributions. 23% received no online donations; and, 13.2% received 50% or more of their contributions online.
  • Survey paticipants continued to rank the internet and e-mail as the “least successful” fundraising technique, behind major gifts, planned giving, diect maiil, goundation grants, special events, corportate giving and telephone solicitation.
  • In terms of size of average online gifts: 47% reported averages between $51 and $250, 24% less than $50, 19% beteen $251 and $500 and 10% reported average gift was more than $500.

And, in case the takeaways above have now resulted in a mindshift and you're about to sack you web team, remember that even 1% of the total $230 billion given by individuals to non-profits last year was $2.3 billion and 5% would represent $10.1 billion.

And so it grows.

Roger & Tom