Is Your Copy Authentic?
Authentic might be my favorite, least favorite word. There was a time when I liked it, back when authentic meant, well, you know, authentic. But, like many English words it got misused and overused to the point of almost making it the opposite of itself.
Authentic can’t be claimed, only bestowed.
But the concept matters and especially in writing. We know authenticity is a positive predictor of interest and perceived connection to the other person. This is exactly what you’re trying to achieve with a letter, email or damn near any person to person communication.
If it feels wonky or contrived or scripted or like it was written by a non-human or worse, a committee of humans, than it’s going in the physical or virtual waste bin.
We’re here to help you get your authenticity back or to objectively sense check that it never left. How?
First, let’s define verbal authenticity a bit. If our words communicate our core self as a natural expression of feelings, motives and inclinations then it’s felt as authentic.
This means language is a vehicle for transmitting cues about whether the writer/signer is being authentic or not. And there are certain words considered authentic and others, inauthentic.
Authentic words include,
- Self-reference words – e.g., I, me, we, our.
- Personal opinion words – e.g. think, feel, hope, pray, want, need, like
The Copy Optimizer has all this and more built into the Readability Score. Here’s a screenshot and real (anonymized) example of bad Readability, only a 46 out of 100. It’s really dragging down the effectiveness of the copy.
But, fixing it is easy with the guidance provided in the boxes.
Take a look at the last box, which we’ve circled. That is the Copy Optimizer telling you the copy doesn’t feel like a personal letter or conversation and it’s coming across as inauthentic.

Want to make sure your copy is Authentic? Use the Copy Optimizer to make sure you have a good Readability Score.
If we use the Copy Optimizer, will our letter be kept private? Or will you or anyone else have access to it?
Hi Lester,
Good question. It will remain completely private.