Is Your Website For 25-Year-Olds?

March 21, 2008      Admin

If the answer is Yes, that’s cool. Maybe.

So long as the preponderance of people you want to …

    • Interest in your cause or charity
    • Educate
    • Raise money from
    • Activate, etc.

… are 25 or thereabouts.

However, for most nonprofits, I suspect the "target" demographic is 55-years-old or so, with no upper age limit and maybe down to 45.

If you’re one of those nonprofits, maybe you (or someone who is 55) should take another look at your website!

According to this study by Burst Media, only 23% of web users age 55-64 believe web content is focused towards people their age (and only 12% of those 65+ so believe). And only 20% of web users age 55 and older say websites are designed for people their age.

Do you have a "generation gap" between your website and its target audience?
