Katya’s Choice

May 24, 2013      Admin

“Bittersweet” is the only way to characterize my reaction upon opening the email from Katya Andresen, CEO of Network for Good and author of Katya’s Non-Profit Marketing Blog.

“I have some news! I am moving on from Network for Good. I’ve accepted a job as CEO of ePals, a public company in the education technology and media space. I’ll be joining ePals in mid-June.”


I really hate it when great people move on. And as far as I’m concerned, Katya’s one of the best. Not only because of what she’s done to grow the online giving platform Network for Good, but also for the always-insightful, helpful and effervescent light she brings through her blog.

Katya is like the light bulb in a refrigerator. Open the door and it’s on. Click on her blog and she lights up your day. Pick up the phone and ask for help or advice and she delivers. Need a panelist or speaker? Katya shines on the podium. I’ll miss her illuminating presence and so will many.

I asked Katya why the move? True to form her answer is both wise and inspiring. While she loves what she’s doing, she’s found a compelling new mission for her life. She’s simply following the advice she delivered through her blog earlier this month.

“Do that big thing in your heart, now, right now, this minute, because you are alive and able.”

Hot Damn!

Take a moment and read the entire post. You’ll be richly rewarded. You’ll discover a life-changing event in Katya’s previous role as a Reuter’s correspondent.

Katya’s post ends with a terrific guide to new beginnings:

“Steve Jobs said in his exquisite commencement speech:

‘Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart’.”

Katya continues:

“Nothing is more inspiring to me than that thought. The fact of our inevitable end is not a nightmare. It is a wake-up call, as bracing and emboldening as a billion-bugle rendition of reveille. Rise and shine, it blares. Do that big thing in your heart now, right now, this minute, because you are alive and able.”

Thank you for everything Katya.


P.S. Although there will be no new posts after she leaves, Katya’s Non-Profit Marketing Blog — all 1,500 wisdom-packed posts — will remain online. Sweet!


3 responses to “Katya’s Choice”

  1. katya says:

    Thank you so much – I am thoroughly touched. I’m so happy to have been the light in the refrigerator! Agitator has always been that for me. Thank you Roger for all you do and for your forthright, insightful take on our sector. And for keeping us laughing when we need it.

    Network for Good will keep the blog going – and post too – so I hope folks will stay tuned into my former channel.

    Keep on agitating!

  2. Kim Silva says:

    Wonderful post, Roger. Wonderful blog, Katya! Thank you for your work. You got my morning off to a great start.

  3. Mazarine says:

    Katya we will miss you so much! (sniff) 🙁