Kid Squanders Relief Money?

December 28, 2007      Admin

From our Agitator backlist … one of my favorites of all time.

Happy Holidays!

I apologize in advance to all the international child support agencies whose crucial work on the ground (and direct marketing) I fervently admire. But I can barely pick myself up off the floor after reading this “expose” from one of my absolute favorite sources of humour, The Onion. Here's just a peek …

“I could see that Mtumbe was a little free with his money, and I let it slide, probably for too long in retrospect,” said Anderson. “If I continue to let him get away with this kind of thing, the next thing I know he's got a glue problem.”

For the record our family supports a child … you should too. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett can't do it all. Here's a place to start.